Hey dudes, I need help. I'm running a dual boot with eight preinstalled and seven booting from a vhd. I can't figure how to apply this thing. When I'm in the repair enviroment it recognizes seven to be there but lists it to be installed on an unknown partition. Now should I select the vdisk or something... Dunno I'm noob, you tell me. Thanks
I've tried the tool and it looks like everything is OK. I got windows host script popup that said 30 days left but system info screen says I have 3 days untill windows will be auto activated. Is this normal?
Open Regedit.exe and go to the following key: Code: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Activation Check for a value named 'Manual' (REG_DWORD). If it exists with value 0, modify it to be 1. If it doesn't exist, create it and set it to 1. You may have to reboot. Then Windows should stop the automatic attempts. @Duality team: Maybe setting that registry key to 1 should be part of the D420 install process. It would improve the quality of D420 for users who forgot to remove the checkmark at install time...
Okay it seems it's solved. I attached the vdisk from within eight, used the command "F:IR5" and it rearmed. I had 13 days left now it's 30. Shouldn't it rearm when there is one day left or something?
I did that but system info screen still says that windows will auto activate after 3 days. What will happen when it does?
Things have never been this complicated for IR6. Only once in a while would someone be using acronis and have to use the F8 to get into RE and once out of thousands would experience the 3 days left thing Not sure why there have been so many problems lately that in the 3 years of the rearm concept development that never we're there before This is why this concept was so easy to support! I will adjust D420 so it has the direct links, color and new content then post on first page with new pics. I appreciate the check.bat help but it flashing at boot is not desirable and until we get someone to put 4 tasks into services so it runs silent we'll just stick with what works Will do new D420 and redo first post in couple days Later p.s. I only recomend clean install or upgrade repair install when using either IR6 or IORRT
Had to import whole key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Activation from another copy of windows to fix 3 days auto activation thing. Now its OK.
Strange, got it to switch with that 'Manual' value alone. Even Microsoft says it's that one. I didn't even have to reboot, just close and reopen the window (it doesn't refresh itself).
You probably didn't untick that checkbox during Setup that says something like ''Automatically activate when I'm online''. Can you stop that behavior by setting the Manual value I wrote about above?
Not sure... its about 2 months earlier. I'll fire up another VM and post the results when I get time.
All he needs to do is log into his dropbox account, whether that is on the dropbox website or the desktop client and will have access to the team folder.
Your inbox is quite full and I didn't see an invite in site or folder I installed DB on new comp Did final touches on content and console New datafilehost link first post done with Win 7 zip software Will update two new pics tomorrow