1. Starter just goes to rearm mode 2. Home basic does rearm and background copy restore Here is the check.bat stuff for rearm and theme to insert version check and action thereof Code: md %SystemDrive%\IR6 >nul 2>&1 echo @echo off >%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo title IR6 Check Task >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo mode con: cols=50 lines=12 >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo echo Checking rearm and theme status... >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo mkdir "%%systemdrive%%\IR6" ^>nul 2^>^&1 >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo SETX IR6backup "%%SystemDrive%%\IR6" ^>nul >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo set KEY_NAME=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo set VALUE_NAME=CurrentTheme>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo for /F "usebackq tokens=3*" %%%%A IN (`reg query "%%KEY_NAME%%" /v "%%VALUE_NAME%%" 2^^^>nul ^^^| find "%%VALUE_NAME%%"`) do IF ~%%%%B==~ (SET themefile=%%%%A) ELSE (SET themefile=%%%%A %%%%B)>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo for %%%%F in (%%themefile%%) do set theme=%%%%~nF>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo wmic path %%spp%% get LicenseStatus /format:list 2^>nul ^| findstr /i 5 ^>nul 2^>^&1 >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo if %%errorlevel%%==0 goto :Rearm >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo if %%errorlevel%%==1 goto :Backup >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo :Backup>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo if exist "%%systemdrive%%\IR6\IR6Bkup.theme" del /s /q "%%systemdrive%%\IR6\IR6Bkup.theme" ^>nul>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo echo F ^| xcopy "%%themefile%%" /s /q "%%systemdrive%%\IR6" /V /Y ^>nul >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo ren "%%systemdrive%%\IR6\%%theme%%.theme" "IR6Bkup.theme">>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo goto :Exit >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo :Rearm>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims==" %%%%n in (`"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe" /namespace:\\root\cimv2 path SoftwareLicensingService get RemainingWindowsReArmCount /format:list`) do set r=%%%%n >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo if %%r%% == 0 goto :Messagebox >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo cscript.exe /b %%windir%%\system32\slmgr.vbs /rearm >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo net stop sppsvc ^>NUL >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo net start sppsvc ^>NUL >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo schtasks /query ^| FINDSTR /i "IR6" ^>nul >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo if %%errorlevel%%==0 ( >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo schtasks /create /tn "IR6" /tr "'%%systemdrive%%\Windows\system32\cmd.exe' /c cscript.exe /b %%SystemDrive%%\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /rearm && net stop sppsvc && net start sppsvc" /sc daily /mo 30 /ru "" /f ^>NUL >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo schtasks /create /tn "Hybrid2" /tr "%%SystemDrive%%\IR6\Check.bat" /sc onlogon /rl highest /f ^>nul >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo ) >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo echo F ^| xcopy "%%systemdrive%%\IR6\IR6Bkup.theme" /s /q "%%windir%%\resources\Themes" /V /Y ^>nul >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo start rundll32.exe Shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl desk,@Themes /Action:OpenTheme /File:"C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\IR6Bkup.theme">>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes" /t REG_SZ /v CurrentTheme /d "%%windir%%\resources\Themes\IR6Bkup.theme" /f ^>NUL >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat echo goto :Exit >>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat
Found a little bug, in case the %themefile% varialble contains a space: Code: echo for %%%%F in (%%themefile%%) do set theme=%%%%~nF>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat should be: Code: echo for %%%%F in ("%%themefile%%") do set theme=%%%%~nF>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat It´s 13th line in write part (line 200).
Windows Starter: Code: Windows Version: Windows 7 Starter Press any key to continue . . . Home Basic: Code: Windows Version: Windows 7 Home Basic Press any key to continue . . .
With the little inconvenience of the Home Basic user losing his background. I got impatient and installed KB971033 - Success! Now both Starter and Home Basic have black screen and watermark.
OK, Starter is a stupid son of a... 1. It loses background in Notification. 2. It doesn't restore even the basic background and stays at black. 3. The user has no way of resetting the background, either, as there's no UI. 4. The Wallpaper reg key (HKCU\\ControlPanel\\Desktop) is not restored... 5. ...except when you try to set a (different) Wallpaper manually. Way to go, MS. Final conclusion: Code: A: For Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional, Home Premium ---> Use the Themes Manager. B: For Home Basic ---> Backup and restore the TranscodedWallpaper (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\TranscodedWallpaper.jpg). C: For Starter ---> Simply reset the Wallpaper value in HKCU\\ControlPanel\\Desktop to "%windir%\web\wallpaper\windows\img0.jpg" - it's the only value allowed.
You should check to see what task runs that. Lets say its personal.exe CMD Type: Taskkill /IM /F personal.exe
We had that already. Unfortunately it's Explorer.exe. Does VBS have window handling (window class or title)?