@timesurfer, looks like you figured out your Personalization window problem, and you could also just write the .vbs to the temp then delete when finished setting up the theme like so.. Code: echo Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") > %tmp%\set_theme.vbs echo WshShell.Run "%windir%\\resources\\themes\\IR7Bkup.theme" >> %tmp%\set_theme.vbs echo Wscript.Sleep 1000 >> %tmp%\set_theme.vbs echo WshShell.AppActivate("Desktop Properties")>> %tmp%\set_theme.vbs echo WshShell.Sendkeys "%%FC" >> %tmp%\set_theme.vbs echo WshShell.Sendkeys "{F4}" >> %tmp%\set_theme.vbs wscript.exe %tmp%\set_theme.vbs del %tmp%\set_theme.vbs Or a more direct approach, instead of dealing with a .vbs just run the theme change directly from your batch with a goto :themeset Note: Used timeout instead of the old xp carry over ping command, just test and adjust seconds needed for the timeout..DP Code: :themeset :: Set path to theme directory.. set TargetDir="%windir%\resources\themes" pushD "%~dp0" & cd /d "%~dp0" :: Activate specified theme.. cd /d %TargetDir% start "" IR7Bkup.theme timeout /t 1 /nobreak>nul :: Kill Personalization.. taskkill /f /im explorer.exe>nul start explorer.exe>nul popD
Hey, here is my thoughts on the themeinstallpersonlizationwindowclose.vbs (tipwc.vbs) concept ...lol 1. I like the idea of the %tmp% but not sure it's faster as mine just runs the .vbs in the working directory 2. set cmd and doing function also sounds great but I think it's faster to just put code directly into IR72.bat 3 Also below in red where is detection for enterprise although enterprise is a big pain in the butt... IR7.bat Code: title IR7 setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SETX IR7backup "%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7" >nul set KEY_NAME=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes set VALUE_NAME=CurrentTheme set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct for /F "usebackq tokens=3*" %%A IN (`reg query "%KEY_NAME%" /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul ^| find "%VALUE_NAME%"`) do IF ~%%B==~ (SET themefile=%%A) ELSE (SET themefile=%%A %%B) for %%F in ("%themefile%") do set theme=%%~nF set wppath=%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes for /f "tokens=2,3,4,5,6,7 delims= " %%a in ('wmic os get caption') do set ver=%%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f :loopV if "%ver:~-1%"==" " set "ver=%ver:~0,-1%" & goto :loopV wmic path %spp% get LicenseStatus /format:list 2>nul | findstr /i 5 >nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel%==0 call IR72.bat & goto :Exit if %errorlevel%==1 goto :Backup :Backup if "%ver%" == "Windows 7 Starter" ( goto :Exit ) if "%ver%" == "Windows 7 Home Basic" ( goto :BackupHB ) if exist "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7Bkup.theme" del /s /q "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7Bkup.theme" >nul echo F | xcopy "%themefile%" /s /q "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7" /V /Y >nul ren "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7\%theme%.theme" "IR7Bkup.theme" goto :Exit :BackupHB xcopy "%wppath%\TranscodedWallpaper.jpg" /s /q "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7" /Y >nul goto :Exit :Exit ENDLOCAL exit Is it %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f This is also where my still existing "server" question will also need detection about version and theme/wallpaper backup if they have them? Thanks
@timesurfer - I just checked your code above on my 2 W7 Enterprise systems and the ADMIN CHECK code still loops at the start.
Just installed Enterprise on vb and I experienced no loop to open up RW and Admin check worked as usual See attachment below: @MDL If anyone can turn these .bat codes into a .vbs let me know ...lol Code: @echo off mode con: cols=42 lines=2 title IR7 setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SETX IR7backup "%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7" >nul set KEY_NAME=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes set VALUE_NAME=CurrentTheme set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct for /F "usebackq tokens=3*" %%A IN (`reg query "%KEY_NAME%" /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul ^| find "%VALUE_NAME%"`) do IF ~%%B==~ (SET themefile=%%A) ELSE (SET themefile=%%A %%B) for %%F in ("%themefile%") do set theme=%%~nF set wppath=%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes for /f "tokens=2,3,4,5,6,7 delims= " %%a in ('wmic os get caption') do set ver=%%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f :loopV if "%ver:~-1%"==" " set "ver=%ver:~0,-1%" & goto :loopV wmic path %spp% get LicenseStatus /format:list 2>nul | findstr /i 5 >nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel%==0 call IR72.bat & goto :Exit if %errorlevel%==1 goto :Backup :Backup if "%ver%" == "Windows 7 Starter" ( goto :Exit ) if "%ver%" == "Windows 7 Home Basic" ( goto :BackupHB ) if exist "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7Bkup.theme" del /s /q "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7Bkup.theme" >nul echo F | xcopy "%themefile%" /s /q "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7" /V /Y >nul ren "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7\%theme%.theme" "IR7Bkup.theme" goto :Exit :BackupHB copy "%wppath%\TranscodedWallpaper.jpg" /s /q "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7" /Y >nul goto :Exit :Exit ENDLOCAL exit Thanks
Regarding the personalization window closing: Code: echo echo Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ^>^>twrpwc.vbs >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat echo echo WshShell.Run "%windir%\\resources\\themes\\IR7Bkup.theme" ^>^>twrpwc.vbs >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat echo echo Wscript.Sleep 13000 ^>^>twrpwc.vbs >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat echo echo WshShell.AppActivate("Desktop Properties") ^>^>twrpwc.vbs >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat echo echo WshShell.Sendkeys "%%%%FC" ^>^>twrpwc.vbs >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat echo echo WshShell.Sendkeys "{F4}" ^>^>twrpwc.vbs >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat echo call twrpwc.vbs >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat echo del twrpwc.vbs >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat The way it works is it restores theme then it waits for the "time" in green before closing the personalization window I did some testing with my extremely slow computer and changed the duration before closing personalization window from 10000 to 13000 You can adjust this if you like and you'll find it in two places in RW New build to reflect these changes has been uploaded to first post I also changed IORRT's Hybrid task from onstart to onlogon
Was testing some stuff and found a bug in the regular uninstall... Everyone that has DL'd this RW Phase 1.5 please junk it and await a new working one ...lol Going the extra mile for the rearmists... And I'm the only tester ...lol Be right back ...lol
Pardon my ignorance. But can you elaborate a bit and explain what that means. Also, I have a genuine, activated Windows 8.1. What are my options for being able to use this version of Office 2013 beyond the 30 day trial? Also, it might be a good idea to post a disclaimer in the 'opening post' that this does not work with Windows 8.1. Thanks.