Yay, you got my point . And no, i like the idea of cutting the theming stuff off, so no intention to put it back . Let's challenge the rest to get working. Got my stuff handled, so my mind is open now. Will give it a look after some sleep. After all that laughter in some thereads here, i' m a bit exhausted . Looks promising so far. Still the messages are kind of PITA to get them working mostly disguised.
Let's talk (better call it tomorrow) later . Getting the Check.bat write part at least mostly working was driving me mad (at least it tried). We should break a moment to gather the needed/wished features, then laugh a moment about, then check, what could be realized for the widest variety of systems available (the plan Windows Loader seems to follow - still only silent and devoted respect for that ingenious Masterpiece - CHAPEAU!!!!!!). Next would be to get the rearm/restore rearm count part working. Last: Serve public interests/wishes. Otherwise it will stay in a state of latent CHAOS, i fear . Take my thoughts as a start for a little brain storm .... a little push. Sometimes one gets routine-blinded, when being involved too long and too intense. Needs a moment to step back and look behind, but to the whole thingie .
Although activation via WMI is very sophisticated, i believe there lies the problem here. In my tests using the "where version='%ver%'" phrase was not reliable. Tested this while recreating my JATD tool and at least i handle it now like KMS_VL_ALL does, with "where ID='%SKU-ID%'". Might be a good idea to use slmgr.vbs instead, like the old ream concept did.
What boggles my mind is the same exact code on the regular install works perfect every time and the reinstall is the exact same
Ok so I switched the install IR7.bat with the reinstall IR7.bat and it works Had to compare with notepad++ Difference is space at end of reinstall IR7.bat lines of code Install IR7.bat has no space at end of lines of code Solution?
Similiar problem appeared in the old script, when writing the stuff the second time. A space was added in a variable, which made the process break at this point .
I removed the space in between nested writes and it works now From Code: echo echo FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%%%%%%%A in ('wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get version /format:list') do set ver=%%%%%%%%A^>^>%%systemdrive%%\IR7.bat >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat To Code: echo echo FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%%%%%%%A in ('wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get version /format:list') do set ver=%%%%%%%%A^>^>%%systemdrive%%\IR7.bat>>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat Works now, some other stuff also might need that removed and I'll get to it tonight otherwise hoping to start testing soon the reinstall/uninstall msgbox's
Yep, seems the IR7.bat, written to Trial folder isn't working properly. Testing atm. Looks like there is a problem with pathes, as the script is looking for the IR7.vbs, which is in the Trial folder, at %temp% location, and obviously doesn't find it there.