The thing i noticed so far. First installing IR7 from Ream Wizard works smooth - my compliments. When the \Trial\IR7\IR7.bat is running, it writes the correct IR7.bat to %systemdrive%, but fails to execute it at next startup. When doing it manually afterwards, all goes back to normal. After the key is installed, there are 5 rearms back. Will check deeper a bit later, need to do some shopping first. Left the design stuff beside here, as we should get the rearm restore properly running first . When starting \Trial\IR7\IR7.bat manually in Notification with no reams left and an implemented pause it shows this: Code: Der Befehl "0" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden. ERFOLGREICH: Die geplante Aufgabe "Key" wurde erfolgreich erstellt. Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. FEHLER: Zugriff verweigert Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . . The second error is a permission problem. Guess we'll find them .
Thanks for your help, there are two IR7.vbs 1. The one that runs C;\trial\ir7\ir7.bat silent 2. The one that installs theme and closes personalization window Why is it better? Thanks In my testing the C:\IR7 is running, isntalls key and deletes itself and Key task We'll get it Was wondering maybe we should upon reinstall just ditch the theme restore? What do you think?
Little error in write part for IE7.bat: Code: echo echo F ^| xcopy "%systemdrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.theme" /s /q "%%windir%%\resources\Themes" /V /Y ^>nul >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat Not sure why there are two times 'echo' ,but it's only written once .
It' like i'm saying ... skip it . Unfortunately after 180 days, when it asks to reinstall IR7 it fails to set the key after the reboot for me . C:\IR7 doesn't get executed.
Here is the msgbox.vbs start Code: @ECHO OFF ECHO set args=WScript.Arguments >>msgbox.vbs ECHO.wscript.quit MsgBox(Replace(Replace(args.item(1),"{cr}",vbNewLine,1,-1,1),"{qt}",Chr(34),1,-1,1),args.item(2),args.item(0)) >>msgbox.vbs msgbox.vbs "IR7" "Your 180 day free trial has ended, do you wish to install IR7 again?" 4 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 6 msgbox.vbs "IR7" "One moment please while IR7 is reinstalling..." 6 & GOTO :REINSTALL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 7 GOTO :UNINSTALL :REINSTALL REM Reinstall process Haven't tried to test it yet ...
Tested it on seperate .bat and I'm guessing it stops at that line of code when yes button is option Cause I want msgbox to stay and then when windows restarts it auto closes Also have to delete msgbox from current folder after it's done Maybe there is no button option?
Sorry to disappoint you, but Reinstall doesn't work for me. Tested now on a HP and a Pro machine. Machines restarted after the messagebox, that informs the 180 days are over. But after Restart IE7.bat doesn't get executed, it' still lingering at C:\. When checking status, i'm getting this: Code: Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host, Version 5.8 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Softwarelizenzierungsdienst-Version: 6.1.7601.17514 Fehler: Product Key nicht gefunden. which states 'No Pruduct Key found' and stops. Is this actually working for anyone except timesurfer?
OK ... i stand corrected . Seems my VMs didn't like me. Restored them to an earlier point and now it's working . Except the damned design thingy you should cut off.
@ BetonMAN Chapeau ... . The new method made this become very handy, as it terminates the RE stage, where a lot of users seem to fail .
Told ya so And... My rearm/restore theme/close personalization window concept is not a regular deal It is only used if users comp is off when IR7 task does rearm Hence it may never be seen if user installed IR7 during there normal computers operating hours Otherwise as having designed all of RW, I believe leaving theme "design" is what the users I've supported for 4 years would want
@Humphrey Tested your msgbox and it needs user to press ok to move on to other code Maybe I should try to rig a batch console like with regular install Installing IR7... Windows is restarting now... Or maybe I'll just skip msg but thought user would like info about reinstalling and restart, etc... So close, yet so far...
Show me exactly which part of the code needs to be changed so that I can add that. I think the color I chose to be the default is correct. Entering the wrong number/letter has always been an issue. Only way around that is make it so that the input doesn't accept the wrong entries.
Stuff worked fine till default color was used... I think it best that when color is chosen that color console stay so they can fine tune color without going straight to mainmenu! What if they don't like the color they've chosen then they have to goto color again Then when they like the color they have chosen they can go to mainmenu But I like that they goto mainmenu first and choose where to navigate rather than first time opening RW they goto color So, 1. mainmenu 2. other options