Can you make the color work this way please 1. When opening RW for first time it goes to RW mainmenu not :color (It will always be option to goto :color not automatic) 2. When wrong txt or bkg is entered it goes to :color (This way user has to enter correct values or it always just goes to :color 3. When color is established then user has to go manually to RW mainmenu For instance, when user does not enter A-F, it just stays at mainmenu Code: :mainmenu set userinp= mode con: cols=50 lines=11 cls echo. echo. echo. ---- Rearm Wizard ---- echo. echo. A. IR7 (Windows 7) echo. B. IORRT (Office 2013) echo. C. ISO/URL Links echo. D. ISO Installation Basics echo. E. Color Customization echo. F. Exit echo. set /p userinp= ^ Make your selection: set userinp=%userinp:~0,1% if /i "%userinp%"=="A" goto IR7 if /i "%userinp%"=="B" goto IORRT if /i "%userinp%"=="C" goto Links if /i "%userinp%"=="D" goto ISO if /i "%userinp%"=="E" goto Color if /i "%userinp%"=="F" goto Exit GOTO :mainmenu Thanks
1. Ok, at one time it went to color first when first opening RW 2. I think I might know? 3. Why does it goto :top instead of just :mainmenu 4. VL It works on Office 2013 VL and Ent/Pro so yea
The color is malfunctioning It doesn't change colors till it's back at mainmenu It also should be the color chosen before it leaves :color so user can fine tune colors before leaving :color I think you can get it to not deal with non-existant options by putting Code: goto color after the if's Just like the other menu's do
1: 2: Well share with me cause the way I see it, the first if not when checking for which letter that is entered will throw it for a loop cause lets say the first IF is looking for the letter/number 0 and they entered a 1 then it would do what ever the first if said to do if it didn't find the 0. 3: Cause its this line: Code: for /F "usebackq tokens=2 delims=x" %%A IN (`reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v "DefaultColor" 2^>nul ^| find "DefaultColor"`) do ( Color %%A) ) That is actually setting the color here. I did this cause it wasn't updating in the color selection menu. I will try and solve that in my next code post. Make this below your :color code. Code: :Color mode con: cols=21 lines=22 title Color Customization for /F "usebackq tokens=2 delims=x" %%A IN (`reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v "DefaultColor" 2^>nul ^| find "DefaultColor"`) do ( Color %%A) ) ::set bkg= ::set txtclr= CLS echo. echo Color Customization echo. echo 0 = Black echo 1 = Blue echo 2 = Green echo 3 = Aqua echo 4 = Red echo 5 = Purple echo 6 = Yellow echo 7 = White echo 8 = Gray echo 9 = Light Blue echo A = Light Green echo B = Light Aqua echo C = Light Red echo D = Light Purple echo E = Light Yellow echo F = Bright White echo G = Rearm Wizard echo. set /p txtclr= ^ Text Color: if /i "%txtclr%"=="G" goto :MainMenu set /p bkg= ^ Background Color: if /i "%bkg%"=="G" goto :MainMenu ::set bkg=%bkg:~0,1 ::set txtclr=%txtclr:~0,1% set bkg=%bkg% set txtclr=%txtclr% reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /t REG_DWORD /v DefaultColor /d 0x%bkg%%txtclr% /f >NUL ::@COLOR %bkg%%txtclr% GOTO :COLOR This color code should do exactly what you want. You just have to worry about how your going to set the TITLE of the mainmenu to rearm wizard. Either put another like to set the title again or change it around. If ::commented out some lines in color that I tested and concluded they aren't needed.
Regardless of you attempt at a fix and the fact nobody has noted my recent post regarding the flawed command, I believe you are using the wrong registry key too. My suggestion is: Code: @Echo Off SetLocal Mode Con: Cols=56 Lines=6 For /f "tokens=2 delims=x" %%A In ('Reg Query HKCU\Console /v ScreenColors' ) Do Set _CLR=0%%A Set _CLR=%_CLR:~-2% Echo( Echo( Your Current Default Screen Text Color Code is %_CLR:~-1% Echo( Echo( Your Current Default Screen Background Color Code is %_CLR:~-2,1% Echo( TimeOut /t 8
Thanks Compo If you've used the color that is in the code on first post source code for RW, that is how i want it to look Code: :Color title Color Customization set bkg= set txtclr= mode con: cols=21 lines=22 CLS echo. echo Color Customization echo. echo 0 = Black echo 1 = Blue echo 2 = Green echo 3 = Aqua echo 4 = Red echo 5 = Purple echo 6 = Yellow echo 7 = White echo 8 = Gray echo 9 = Light Blue echo A = Light Green echo B = Light Aqua echo C = Light Red echo D = Light Purple echo E = Light Yellow echo F = Bright White echo G = Rearm Wizard echo. set /p txtclr= ^ Text Color: if /i "%txtclr%"=="G" goto mainmenu set /p bkg= ^ Background Color: if /i "%bkg%"=="G" goto mainmenu set bkg=%bkg:~0,1% set txtclr=%txtclr:~0,1% set bkg=%bkg% set txtclr=%txtclr% @COLOR %bkg%%txtclr% mode con: cols=48 lines=11 reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /t REG_DWORD /v DefaultColor /d 0x%bkg%%txtclr% /f >NUL IF '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' ( goto color ) ELSE ( goto mainmenu ) No other msg's or different layouts Here is stuff at top that insures past color chosen is how RW will appear Code: setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set KEY_NAME=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor set VALUE_NAME=DefaultColor for /F "usebackq tokens=2 delims=x" %%A IN (`reg query "%KEY_NAME%" /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul ^| find "%VALUE_NAME%"`) do ( IF /I %%A EQU 0x0 (Color %%A) ELSE (Color %%A) ) We just need console to not freak out when invalid option is chosen Also we need RW when it first opens up to open up to RW not color After user is satisfied with their color combo then they should see it in the color function before they go to other menu's in RW Then we are done with this final build probably unless someone want's to use WMIC to make Office 2013 detection faster as IORRT menu comes up Code: :IORRT setlocal enabledelayedexpansion title IORRT REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CurrentVersion | FINDSTR 6.1 >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 cls & echo IORRT supports Office 2013 only under Windows 7 & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu set OfficeArchType= if '%processor_architecture%'=='x86' Set OfficeArchType=32 && Goto:EndArchIR7 goto:WOWIR7 :WOWIR7 2>nul REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common | find /i "InstallRoot" 1>nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 Set OfficeArchType=WOW && Goto:EndArchIR7 Set OfficeArchType=64 :EndArchIR7 if %OfficeArchType%==WOW ( FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('"REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot" /v Path 2>NUL"') DO SET InstallRoot=%%B if not defined InstallRoot ( cls & echo Office 2013 is not installed... & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu ) Goto:FoundPath ) FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('"REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot" /v Path 2>NUL"') DO SET InstallRoot=%%B if not defined InstallRoot ( cls & echo Office 2013 is not installed... & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu ) :FoundPath 1>nul 2>nul net start osppsvc cscript "%InstallRoot%"ospp.vbs /dstatus |FINDSTR /i "KMS_Client" >NUL if %errorlevel% EQU 1 ( cls & echo No office 2013 KMS detected... & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu )
No you don't all you need to do is to issue the Color command with the new two digit HEX code, (the console colors will stay like that unless you specifically change it again within that script). As a special favor here is a complete rewrite of the :Color section, complete with checks to prevent invalid or matching foreground and background colors. Spoiler Code: :Color Title Color Customization Mode Con: Cols=62 Lines=25 For /f "tokens=2 delims=x" %%A In ('Reg Query HKCU\Console /v ScreenColors' ) Do Set _CLR=0%%A Set _CLR=%_CLR:~-2% For /f "tokens=1,2* delims=[:] " %%A In ('FINDSTR/ibc:"::[%_CLR:~-1%]" "%~f0"' ) Do Echo( Your Current Default Screen Text Color is %%C For /f "tokens=1,2* delims=[:] " %%A In ('FINDSTR/ibc:"::[%_CLR:~-2,1%]" "%~f0"' ) Do Echo( Your Current Default Screen Background Color is %%C Set _LST=0123456789ABCDEF Echo( Echo( Color Customization Echo( ::[0] 1 Black ::[1] 2 Blue ::[2] 3 Green ::[3] 4 Aqua ::[4] 5 Red ::[5] 6 Purple ::[6] 7 Yellow ::[7] 8 White ::[8] 9 Gray ::[9] 10 Light Blue ::[A] 11 Light Green :: 12 Light Aqua ::[C] 13 Light Red ::[D] 14 Light Purple ::[E] 15 Light Yellow ::[F] 16 Bright White For /f "tokens=1,2* delims=[:] " %%A In ('FINDSTR/bc:"::[" "%~f0"') Do ( Echo= %%A = %%C) Echo( Choice /c %_LST% /n /t 30 /d %_CLR:~-1% /m "Choose a Screen Text Color: " Set _ELV=%ErrorLevel% For /f "tokens=1,2* delims=[:] " %%A In ('FINDSTR/bc:"::[" "%~f0"') Do ( If %%B Equ %_ELV% Set _FGC=%%A) Call Set _LST=%%_LST:%_FGC%=%% Choice /c %_LST% /n /m "Choose a Screen Background Color: " If %ErrorLevel% Geq %_ELV% (Set/a _ELV=%ErrorLevel%+1) Else ( Set _ELV=%ErrorLevel%) For /f "tokens=1,2* delims=[:] " %%A In ('FINDSTR/bc:"::[" "%~f0"') Do ( If %%B Equ %_ELV% Set _BGC=%%A) Set _CLR=%_BGC%%_FGC% (Set _BGC=) (Set _FGC=) Reg Add HKCU\Console /v ScreenColors /t REG_DWORD /d 0x%_CLR% /f >Nul Color %_CLR% GoTo :MainMenu It uses the variable:%_CLR% for the the two digit HEX color code. Please do not attempt to add to or change this code.
Wow, great coding and functionality Would like it, however, to adjust color inside the color function and provide an G option to goto mainmenu Also a title that says Color Customization And no need for console to say what is already chosen Noticed too that when first opening the color console it said white/black when indeed I had light yellow/black but with that part unnecessary in RW that point is mute Basically I'd like color console to be as small as possible like before But love not having to press enter after option is chosen and it would be neat to see when you choose text that that text appears and then when background is choosen it also appears so that again user can see what they've chosen before chosing option G to goto mainmenu Honestly you should post your version in a post in scripting forum just as a landmark for batch color selection although it was my original idea that Humphrey jumped on Thanks you guys
That because my version was reading a registry key which was set at 0x00000007. You had already set the wrong key to 0x0000000e. I would suggest that you reset that key to its default: Code: Reg Add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v DefaultColor /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f >Nul I see no purpose in adding a G option, if you didn't want to change the color, you shouldn't have selected the Color Customization option. If you get there by accident, then all you have to do is to select the options you already have set. The first one will be auto set for you after 30 seconds if you don't make a selection. (This is also why I've shown the end user their current settings so that they can replicate them if arriving there by accident). I have appended the Title you wanted, the console has been reduced to the smallest size necessary.
I'm sorry but I do not feel that it is a necessary or required function and will as a result not be incorporting it into my code. If someone wants to play games with their screen colors then they can do so by returning to the Color section once again from the MainMenu, there is no need to bloat the script with useless functionality. I've already answered this, it is necessary for the end user as part of my coding. I have already answered this too, the console size in my coding is no larger than is necessary for the output it returns. I rarely boot a Windows OS and have no need for your script but if it were my code I'd be removing all of the color and theme 'features' because they offer nothing worthwhile to the target market. People aren't downloading and using your script to change the color of their console window and mess with their theme, all they want to do is to bypass Microsoft's protections. Yourself and Humphrey asked for help; I have fixed some coding errors, added input verification, provided the correct registry key and posted unique and exclusive code. I do not wish to be credited in your script since morally I do not agree with its intent so if you want to continue using your code, then go ahead. Regards, Compo.
I understand your opinion but it's my development and it has been as perfect as it can be along it's 9 thread 4 year archival path therefore my designs have made it what it has become today in it's global usage by windows 7 and batch enthusiasts and there have been no complaints of how I designed all of RW, just thanks and me supporting it completely Users, especially new pc users or beginners like to experiment with aspects of W7 like it's cmd.exe console and I've been working with beginners since I was an beginner myself! In that my development of the worlds only rearm concept is meant for those who want to have fun and play with W7 and it's solutions, not take this too seriously like it's a space shuttle launch To me it seems useless to have to go back and forth from :color to :mainmenu just to see what colors a user is attracted to, hence my G option is the best measure to deal with color customization Actually through my perspective one must see the difference between doing code and working with actual users and their needs or desires. What might seem correct through an intellectual coders mind, might indeed not be what the end users actually want! I have to digress that my console sizes and functions are original and from my personal creativity so in relation to how the rest of RW/IR7/IORRT relays it's appearance the HUGE color console that was my idea (originally coded by Humphrey) is just too big and doesn't need to tell user what in COLOR they can see themselves... I think you underestimate and blanket project what users want. Users want's change in software development and as software programs evolve so do coding and user interface have to merge together to suit what works best and is user friendly I have again been the developer of this one and only rearm concept for 4+ years and have spent many 1,000 of hours coding, testing, working with rearm concept staff members and on an in depth level worked with users interested in how W7 works and how a fun program such as RW can teach beginners some introductory lessons in pc software and not just facilitate the same appearance and usage as if was activated This site MDL's purpose is not to produce the best solutions or promote the most used "homemade" softwares, but to allow people to be creative, have fun and share their interests which in tern all lead to greater understandings of what ever platform they explore. Here at MDL and on the globe there survived 3 main solutions 1. Rearm Concept 2. KMS emulation 3. BIOS emulation The Rearm Concept does not attempt to emulate anything but just to give the user free usage for 6 months at a time, then to get another 6 months all that now needs to happen to reinstall via my msgbox's at day 180 is to click yes and allow IR7 to restart the computer and on top of that during the 6 month trial user doesn't need to rearm nor reset their theme which is an accomplishment and one of many original concepts I've had that actually works very well And so to end I was the only human being that pushed for an virtually automatic solution that would bypass any need to activate or emulate activation so the few users that took interest in my creative endevour (The Rearm Concept) would have an open source utility to enjoy and learn from while they explore W7. This has been an fun, exciting and massive learning experience and all who actually came up with an original idea, started an Rearm Concept thread, coded my original ideas or contributed something of substantial worth to the project, not just an "improvement" to an already existing concept are in the Rearm Concept Staff and I thank them all for helping me and giving to the world an thrilling experience of how .bat/cmd files work and how they can allow free usage in Trial forever... @Humphrey I'll be giving you an pm later on to discuss the finalization of my color customization concept I just wanted to give my users the best they could have which is why I entertained improving the color customization Then we are Final and no more work to be done, just supporting which given BatonMAN's WPA inside windows delete should be next to nothing as install/reinstall works perfect and needs only restart