Of course! Use findstr... Code: Echo=%txtclr%|FindStr "<options>" && (GoTo :Success) || (GoTo :Failure)
Oh, I see you want me to give you exact code to your exact specification at the drop of a hat in order that you can tell everyone that it's your code and your design and your project. As I've said before I'm happy to help but I'm afraid you need to show a little more humility. Code: :Color title Color Customization set bkg= set txtclr= mode con: cols=21 lines=22 CLS echo. echo Color Customization echo. echo 0 = Black echo 1 = Blue echo 2 = Green echo 3 = Aqua echo 4 = Red echo 5 = Purple echo 6 = Yellow echo 7 = White echo 8 = Gray echo 9 = Light Blue echo A = Light Green echo B = Light Aqua echo C = Light Red echo D = Light Purple echo E = Light Yellow echo F = Bright White echo G = Rearm Wizard echo. set /p txtclr= ^ Text Color: echo=%txtclr%|findstr/ir "[^H-Z]">nul&&(set txtclr=%txtclr:~,1%)||(goto color) if /i "%txtclr%"=="G" goto mainmenu set /p bkg= ^ Background Color: echo=%bkg%|findstr/ir "[^H-Z]">nul&&(set bkg=%bkg:~,1%)||(goto color) if /i %bkg%==%txtclr% goto color if /i "%bkg%"=="G" goto mainmenu @COLOR %bkg%%txtclr% reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /t REG_DWORD /v DefaultColor /d 0x%bkg%%txtclr% /f >NUL IF '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' ( goto color ) ELSE ( goto color )
One last thing before I post the RW final IORRT console is slow to load due to these codes that use to be in Cody's KMS toolkit back when it was .bat before he went C# Can wmic.exe be faster to reg query? Code: :IORRT setlocal enabledelayedexpansion title IORRT REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CurrentVersion | FINDSTR 6.1 >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 cls & echo IORRT supports Office 2013 only under Windows 7 & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu set OfficeArchType= if '%processor_architecture%'=='x86' Set OfficeArchType=32 && Goto:EndArchIR7 goto:WOWIR7 :WOWIR7 2>nul REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common | find /i "InstallRoot" 1>nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 Set OfficeArchType=WOW && Goto:EndArchIR7 Set OfficeArchType=64 :EndArchIR7 if %OfficeArchType%==WOW ( FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('"REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot" /v Path 2>NUL"') DO SET InstallRoot=%%B if not defined InstallRoot ( cls & echo Office 2013 is not installed... & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu ) Goto:FoundPath ) FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('"REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot" /v Path 2>NUL"') DO SET InstallRoot=%%B if not defined InstallRoot ( cls & echo Office 2013 is not installed... & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu ) :FoundPath 1>nul 2>nul net start osppsvc cscript "%InstallRoot%"ospp.vbs /dstatus |FINDSTR /i "KMS_Client" >NUL if %errorlevel% EQU 1 ( cls & echo No office 2013 KMS detected... & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu ) Preemptive thanks
As I said humility! I provided a solution in your thread, but your patience and efforts were so massive, you and your staff didn't even bother typing findstr /? into a console window to take a stab at it! I have since directly input the required code for you and you haven't even acknowledged it, instead suggesting that I should have been proud to have been part of your 4+ years journey. BTW Even though it has no bearing whatsoever on console loading times, WMIC's handling of registry is poor in comparison to REG's.
Maybe we didn't have time nor the skills but your arrogance in all 66 of your posts at MDL while at the same time having thanked no one ...lol...are bringing an negativity and macho'ish vibe to this thread that I can no longer handle here while we are trying to have fun and support a great solution! I know you want to be in charge of someone's elses's project and be Mr. "tell everyone what to do", even though I posted needing simple help with 2 specific things and you still after me reminding you several times you just can't take over and when what you gave wasn't according the specification of my request you get all butt hurt and start babbling about morals...lol...and humility when all along you don't respect me, this project or my staff When your at someone's house you don't tell the occupants what to do or how to do it and if they ask for help you for help with something specific you don't take over and ridicule them...lol I know it's hard for an EGO as large as yours to realize who's thread your in but it's not yours and you need a lesson in respect, real humility and honoring a project and it's creator/staff for what they've already done... In relationships you just can't bully and boss everyone around, you have to work with others and not go off on tangents and thinking you can just do and say what you please regarding what is not yours And I get the feeling your ego has been bruised because you designed what was not asked of you and then when asked to follow direction as to how I want my console to look and function you start feeling rejected and lash out ...lol It's hard to acknowledge your "two lines of code" when your acting as if your in charge of this development and IF people don't follow your demands with what you want you flip out and start getting bitchy, negative and projecting false and delusional statements and what have you done at MDL? Just try to take people and projects down with your "higher than thou" attitude and thinking your code is always superior than me and my staff's Seriously your help is no longer needed nor your presence in my thread where I am trying to do good work and support people interested in my project ...lol All two lines of "your code" has been removed from RW but thanks for showing everyone your true colors so if they also ask for help they'll know what they'll be getting into ahead of time ...lol Compo ...lol
Whilst I'm trying to steal your project, please remember that, as previously stated, I do not use Windows, I use Linux Mint Debian Edition (Cinnamon), and as a result have both no need for your script and no platform for testing it. I have already stated that I want no official recognition for helping you because morally I think what your script is doing is wrong. It is a little embarrassing to spit out your dummy in this manner in front of your end users simply because you are unable to accept that others may be better equipped in some areas than yourself. Your script is not particularly good, but it is considerably better than your general attitude. I sincerely hope that your end users are happy to use an inferior script simply because the Project Leader has shown themselves to be too self important to accept free help from a Member who's never had to click a thanks button because their posting history is that of providing help not asking for it! I also hope that those named are as happy to be your staff as you are to be their boss! [Edit] Nice line! Good idea putting it in black so that it doesn't look like you've actually used something i helped you with!
Great job with this thread, timesurfer! Stop fighting boys. It’s timersurfer’s thread and if it wasn’t for him not sure if anybody had the drive to take this concept to fruition. TS, there’s a flow in both codes (yours and Compo’s). Try entering some weird characters like $#@ etc. into your script and see what happens. I suggest considering the following as it allows only for certain characters.: Code: set /p txtclr= ^ Text Color: echo=%txtclr%|findstr/ir "[0123456789ABCDEFG]">nul&&(set txtclr=%txtclr:~,1%)||(goto color) if /i "%txtclr%"=="G" goto mainmenu set /p bkg= ^ Background Color: echo=%bkg%|findstr/ir "[0123456789ABCDEFG]">nul&&(set bkg=%bkg:~,1%)||(goto color) if /i %bkg%==%txtclr% goto color if /i "%bkg%"=="G" goto mainmenu @COLOR %bkg%%txtclr% Just my 2cents Peace to all
A perfectly good and valid suggestion, (be careful). It would perhaps be better advised to use findstr's /b switch in order to prevent erroneous entries such as vb, sd, we etc. (not expected to be entered deliberately but next to each other on the keyboard it is possible). The above code currently would pick up V, S and W as the valid entries. Code: findstr/bir "[0-9A-G]" Remembering that whilst my very complex and unique method posted earlier in the thread was readily discounted that it did give one major clue to a more suitable solution which could be implemented throughout the script. (just in case the TS's staff have been too busy to spot it I'm talking about the choice command).
Tried RW final, installed IR7, restarted(automatically). Still not genuine. All my rearms are still used. Nothing really changed it seems...
p.s. It has been really fun doing some code, designing and developing this project for 4+ years and for the most part it been wonderful to watch good people have fun sharing and doing code. It is really nice to have opened up this project to non-douche like people and unlike other solutions they have been able to participate in my project and I am thankful I mean it's not very often that people are allowed to help with someone's project and I think that is what makes RW a special project that MDL'ers have the opportunity to be part of something fun and exciting that not only allows users to use W7/Office 2013in trial forever but to be part of a team effort... Thanks again everyone for helping, sharing and being there for me when I needed assistance with my 4 year vision for the Rearm Concept I am deeply humbled in starting this project as a total beginner and receiving the unending support you have all given timesurfer
Color Customization is finished! @Humphrey/xp2k3 Please confirm I entered the same valid color for both text/background and it returns to color just fine...