It is possible to delete WPA in Windows 8. Problem si that windows got BSOD during system startup, when there is no WPA registry key. I'll try to do some more research today.
Hello everybody. So I finished my research and I am pleased that I can bring to you BetonMAN's WPA Registry Remover for Windows 8. Here it is: Code: @echo off&NET FILE>NUL 2>&1||(powershell -command Start-Process '%0' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList '%* '>NUL 2>&1&EXIT /B) title BetonMAN's WPA registry remover color 1F echo. echo BetonMAN's WPA registry remover echo =============================== echo. echo. set /p=Deleting registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA . . . . . . . . <nul REG SAVE HKLM\SYSTEM %TEMP%\SYSTEM.HIV /y>NUL 2>&1 REG RESTORE HKLM\SYSTEM %TEMP%\SYSTEM.HIV>NUL 2>&1 del %TEMP%\SYSTEM.HIV>NUL 2>&1 POWERSHELL -command rename-item HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA -NewName WPA_Delete>NUL 2>&1 REG DELETE HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA_Delete /f>NUL 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo FAILED if errorlevel 0 echo OK echo. echo. set /p=Adding default values to registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA . . . . <nul REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\478C035F-04BC-48C7-B324-2462D786DAD7-5P-9 /t REG_BINARY /ve /d 20c0c44b5d68c7085f442818128270ea642e5b5dba2d8885a7831a85c3d1ece262b36911a0d5bdb5e55106656d12578af73f942ffe1562ba665b18ce8969bbf74ff8ceacf3c424de22cf36560c8633b92173d5f38abbe0fbe3f408ca314725a94d599a4587daea29aa207b5cefbfcf2361b7a9beeaacc754513fdce82c16828d>NUL 2>&1 REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\478C035F-04BC-48C7-B324-2462D786DAD7-5P-9 /t REG_BINARY /v Time /d e318ad15241c695f751c6b19fe1ba41cebfb91bf29367de3146d79a76ace067c>NUL 2>&1 REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\478C035F-04BC-48C7-B324-2462D786DAD7-5P-9 /t REG_DWORD /v Type /d 2111353691>NUL 2>&1 REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\8DEC0AF1-0341-4b93-85CD-72606C2DF94C-7P-1 /t REG_BINARY /ve /d 6979d03b99a73c736882ceadf1a96320c15405927dc0b721f83cad674fb340496d75f608189d84dcd18fdaff8ea3866a3f37edc3d1eb5c0647e97bb7bea79f5dd05a66062fabb480d137cd3623563962e200b1bd42531cc3e6e4c1ffff693a208e9937f7a4d48b7463e68faf0df08811>NUL 2>&1 REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\8DEC0AF1-0341-4b93-85CD-72606C2DF94C-7P-2 /t REG_BINARY /ve /d 79e3ad3e68302e43bc97f4aceb98f3e328155f42df9684935abbc4f3c1652637a70f81fdf5f469d8586bf1d1a8ff96af9ead400b1c9d5621f4b4c57ad44fc2b129ca20a19a64bcfc481c52738b876b64>NUL 2>&1 REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\8DEC0AF1-0341-4b93-85CD-72606C2DF94C-7P-3 /t REG_BINARY /ve /d 65a7778c965816a2df869e044edf4671f2ac716502d74d5b30c531c1469dc758dc25c2b480393d6fb7336d3d915668a7f05ff3847468228168833bed8947b4bc>NUL 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo FAILED if errorlevel 0 echo OK echo. echo. set /p=Setting ACL in registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA . . . . . . <nul POWERSHELL -command $acl=Get-Acl HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA;$acl.SetAccessRule((New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule('Everyone','FullControl','Allow')));Set-ACL -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA -AclObject $acl if errorlevel 1 echo FAILED if errorlevel 0 echo OK timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL 2>&1 echo. echo. set /p=Restarting Microsoft Windows . . . . . . . . . . <nul timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL 2>&1 shutdown -r -t 3 >NUL 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo FAILED if errorlevel 0 echo OK pause >NUL 2>&1
Values I used in my script are extracted from SYSTEM hive file (\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM) in install.wim file of installation of Windows 8.1
Question: After IR7 does it's thing and back into windows after restart after PK key install, can I backup the new WPA with 5 rearms/30 days then just restore it at certain duration intervals or at startup/logon? I'll keep the backup in C:\Trial\IR7 Watermark only comes at days 30 so if I could avoid that then I could not need to ever restore theme or maybe even never rearm The idea is to install once then just restore from there on eliminating rearming/theme stuff/re-installation Hence permanent in Trial due to WPA restore Is this idea workable RCS? @BatonMAN Great work...
old as hell problem i am sure but very new. installed office 2010 attempted to use orrt 3.5. will not install. no rearm. check status not installed. win7 ult. x64 machine
RW supports 2013. 2010 has different paths. In order to use IORRT you must have 1 rearm minimum. Cody's MTK will activate you, install that rearm then you can use IORRT. Trilogy 4.2 works for 2010. You could also just uninstall 2010, install 2013 and do same thing MTK is the only solution that will repair rearms for IORRT usage
Thanks for IR7, timesurfer. A few questions / notes: The IR7 task doesn't have "Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed" property. Wouldn't this be good? I use Windows only seldom. Most of the time I am in Linux. What happens if I miss the 30-day deadline? Is there any documentation for what the CURRENT IR7 installation does? I see a lot of historical info at the top of the thread, but when you install IR7 it simply resets and gives you no heads-up on what is going on Specifically, it would be nice to briefly document: what do the Hybrid2/3/4 tasks do? What does the IR7 task do? When is the registry value for the rearm count reset (IIIC)? What the IR7 THEME do? Should the user run any of the .BATs in C:\Trial manually? Any other stuff that IR7 installs on the hard-disk or in Task Scheduler? Edit: I've just seen the changed DL from today, I'm currently using the previous download. This doesn't change my questions though.
At one time I had code that would set that but it didn't worked as expected so the answer is no Not sure deadline is the term I'd use but basically when you logon IR7 will rearm automatically and if your desktop went to black then your previous theme will be restored. Personalization window will open restore theme then close I eliminated instructions to simplify IR7. It basically creates Trial folder where IR7.bat, IR7.theme and IR7.vbs live. These are the workings that do the auto rearm and restore theme stuff. IR7 also installs tasks that at logon trigger the autorearm/theme backup/restore stuff Hybrid2 task runs IR7. vbs which runs IR7.bat which does the autorearm/theme stuff. Hybrid3/4 keeps away notifications during startup if user went past 30 day so that no piracy windows pops up. IR7 task does rearm if computer is on at day 30. WPA key gets deleted and reset during installation/reinstallation. Never run anything manually as that happens at logon, just let IR7 do it's thing for 6 months then you'll get Yes/No message box at day 180 and you can either reinstall or uninstall. Nothing else is install besides tasks and Trial folder. IORRT also sits in Trial folder and only needs one install for the life of your office 2013 install