Found bug for 180 reinstall yes/no box so it deletes msg Code: echo del /s /q msgbox.vbs ^>nul >>%SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\IR7.bat New DL on first post with source code also corrected Testing now...
Thank you. Any adverse effects from this "late" rearming? If not, ... can the IR7 task be eliminated from the scheduler in principle, since automatic rearming happens anyway? Does the 30-day schedule have any benefit? So that's when the registry rearm count gets reset to 5... right? Any problems if I "miss" day 180?
This statement is incorrect! User will never have to open personalization window but they might have to close personalization window if it doesn't close 99% perfect 1% close personalization window if it doesn't close
IR7 Restore WPA Concept This is all based on windows not going crazy with an WPA REG restore Windows does go crazy when deleting WPA but restore might be different! Hence my IR7 Restore WPA Concept will be like my IORRT 2013 restore/rearm concept without the rearm Do regular install with no tasks or theme backup Save reset WPA to C:\Trial\IR7 Restore WPA once daily/at logon
Code: REG SAVE HKLM\SYSTEM %SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\SYSTEM.HIV /y >NUL 2>&1 Now to figure out restore code
Is this a new version of IR7 you're working on (sorry if I'm confused)? What was wrong with your current method?
OK, hopefully you will make that a separate download (e.g. "experimental method" vs. "stable method"). The current method seems to have a huuuge amount of testing / tweaking behind it.
Hi, I won't be posting any DL, but just code as when I post DL then if not working there will be bogus DL floating around and that is bad... Yes, I test a lot but we are final with RW and through my perspective it is good build and working well, at least on my Ultimate W7 The IR7 (InfiniteRestore7) probably won't work but then again we we're going into RE (Recovery Environment) for years to reset WPA so you never know what is possible till we accomplish it I am happy with what has manifested with this project
InfiniteRestore7 (IR7) Install IR7 to reset rearms to 5 rearms 30 days When restart into windows after key installs Code: net stop osppsvc REG SAVE HKLM\SYSTEM %SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\SYSTEM.HIV /y >NUL 2>&1 REG ADD %SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\SYSTEM.HIV /y >NUL 2>&1 net start osppsvc IR7 tasks runs IR7.bat at logon Hybrid2 tasks runs IR7.bat daily No AutoRearm No Theme Backup/Restore No Reinstall IR7.bat Code: net stop osppsvc REG RESTORE %SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\SYSTEM.HIV HKLM\SYSTEM /f >NUL 2>&1 net start osppsvc Uninstall Code: REG DELETE %SystemDrive%\Trial\IR7\SYSTEM.HIV /f >NUL 2>&1 schtasks /delete /tn "IR7" /f >NUL 2>&1 schtasks /delete /tn "Hybrid2" /f >NUL 2>&1
@Regarding W7 With RW being final and install/reinstall working 100% unlike obsolete RE WPA delete, I just had an idea to eliminate reinstall @ day 180 by having my backup to restore at logon/daily with tasks Perhaps I should move WPA to %temp% then restore Pretty sure the token stuff is getting borked Right now it seems that Windows is complaining when doing ADD/RESTORE It would be nice to know better how to repair the system files without restart (Like do whatever windows does without restart so that maybe non-restart IR7 install could be possible when deleting WPA or eliiminate need for reinstall @ day 180 by doing restore This requires better understanding of how windows repairs itself and any protection/nags that pops up that user might see Not sure I want to do anything with W8
HI timesurfer, Please help me. I was using office 2010 pro plus with iorrt and was working fine, on my windows 7 orginal. I installed office 2013 and wen my windows got updated it showed licence prob for office 2013. so i uninstalled it and rolled back to office 2010 with iorrt. But not able to activate as no rearms left. pls help. I am not understanding how to use ez activator and all. can u pls help me. Sreenath lal