Guys why is nobody telling me the correct procedure for this tool ? i can see a few posts of people who have used it fine for a while asking questions and completely ignoring mine . isnt this a help forum ? all i want to know is if i am doing it right ! thanks dan
@dan44762000 What is your first objective?? Use Windows 7 as a genuine one or learn to use Rearm Wizard??
learn to use the wizard . i dont care that its running a trial forever ! just would like to know what steps i take to make my trial run forever ! thanks dan
This tool is driving me crazy (again). Here is what is happening. I run the program (did get the latest version, which seems quite a bit different), select A (IR7 (Windows 7), then select A Install, then C Rearm Wizard, and nothing is happening. When I reboot, slmgr /dlv shows: Code: [...] Partial Product Key: PW487 License Status: Notification Notification Reason: 0xC004F009 (grace time expired). Remaining Windows rearm count: 0 [...] Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?
It will work with all updates Loader is a perfect solution for W7 KMS is also very good Rearm Technologies is just very cool and a fun learning tool that gives you same appearance and usage as if activated to let users use W7/Office 2013 for free until such a time they can afford to purchase a activation key @Everyone else Thank you so much for your support of Rearm Wizard, I really appreciate it Within the Rearm Wizard console is URL/ISO links to genuine copies of W7/Office 2013 I provide these torrent links so that users can have a clean copy of W7 which will guarantee successful IR7 installation thus also ensuring IORRT installation as well Please consider doing a clean install as to avoid any problems so that you can enjoy the rearm concept without delay or troubleshooting If you are running an older version like IR5/6 please do the following and then install IR7 * Note that the new and final Rearm Wizard/IR7/IORRT uses one folder called "Trial" to contain both IR7/IORRT folders * Use IR5/6 to uninstall IR5/6 * Use IORRT to uninstall IORRT * Open task scheduler and delete any tasks like IR5/6 or hybrid/2/3 tasks * Open your C:/ local drive and delete any folders like IR5/6 or IORRT folders * Then install IR7 and enjoy infinite trial via rearming with IR7 automatic reinstall every 6 months for another 6 months free 180 day trial (Basically free usage and appearance of W7/Office 2013 until such a time when you can afford to purchase a activation key) Thank you for all your support MDL and members and have a nice day The final RW deletes the "Rearm Key" or "WPA key" inside windows so you must allow IR7 to immediately restart after it installs as the IR7 utility is intended to do...
HELP! I was trying to do the steps that IR7 does manually, and I am now getting: Code: [...] Partial Product Key: PW487 License Status: Notification Notification Reason: 0xC004FE00. Remaining Windows rearm count: 5 [...] Is there any way of fixing that without a reinstall? Thanks.
I just installed IR7 and got the Overflow error, while drive.vbs was executing... I did not find a resolution for this problem (maybe I missed something) On another PC, no problem! So I executed the drive.vbs from Windows 7, and got an abort on the HEX function. I found out that the failing PC had a HDD (in fact more than one) with a SN greater than 80000000xh. Hex() does not like numbers greater than 80000000xH. Is there any solution for this problem? TIA
I don't understand your reply 'None of this is necessary' '... clean copy of W7...' I started, long time ago, with a clean W7. Never used anything else than Infinite Rearm. What do you mean by a 'repair install' ? If I have the proper code (Rearm Wizard.cmd 2013-11-10 19:53 43KB) then it will generate again the drive.vbs file, which will execute HEX on the Serial Number of my volumes, and this will fail again because of the overflow. The SN of my system volume is 94F5Fxxx. I can only supposed it is not a Hardware SN but a number assigned by Windows. Nevertheless, I have volume SNs that are failing in the function Hex() in VBSCRIPT. I will try to describe my problem better: PC1: uninstall IR6 install IR7 Reboot... System failed to go to RE (as it always did) So I put the W7 install disk, Repair RE Command Prompt Execution of IR7.bat Everything is ok PC2: uninstall IR6 install IR7 Reboot... System went to RE Command Prompt Execution of IR7.bat Everything is ok PC3: Note: Forgot to uninstall IR6 install IR7 Reboot... System failed to go to RE (as it always did) So I put the W7 install disk, Repair RE Command Prompt Execution of IR7.bat !!! Here I got the error from Drive.vbs !!! Rebooted in W7 Manual execution of Drive.vbs gave the same error ... Uninstall IR6 & IR6 Restarted with the install of IR7 with the same result. I would like to avoid a reinstall: too many hours of work! Thank you for your understanding.
The copy of IR7 I got from here a few months back is quite different from the current one on page one. Everything is OK now.
Hey Y'all.... Am attempting to reset rearm with following script: reg load HKLM\MY_SYSTEM "%~dp0Windows\System32\config\system" reg delete HKLM\MY_SYSTEM\WPA /f reg unload HKLM\MY_SYSTEM Problem is that I am receiving error "ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key for value. I tried to use BetonMANs script as well: CLS=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute("\""+WScript.ScriptFullName+"\"","","","runas",1);/*&ECHO OFF&NET FILE>NUL 2>&1||(CSCRIPT //B //E:JSCRIPT %0&EXIT /B) :============================================================================================================================================================================ title BetonMAN's WPA registry remover color 1F echo. echo BetonMAN's WPA registry remover echo =============================== echo. echo. set /p=Deleting registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA . . . . . . . . [......]<nul REG SAVE HKLM\SYSTEM %TEMP%\SYSTEM.HIV /y >NUL 2>&1 REG RESTORE HKLM\SYSTEM %TEMP%\SYSTEM.HIV >NUL 2>&1 del %TEMP%\SYSTEM.HIV >NUL 2>&1 POWERSHELL -command rename-item HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA -NewName WPA_Delete >NUL 2>&1 REG DELETE HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA_Delete /f >NUL 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo FAILED if errorlevel 0 echo OK timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL 2>&1 echo. echo. set /p=Restarting Microsoft Windows . . . . . . . . . . [......]<nul timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL 2>&1 shutdown -r -t 3 >NUL 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo FAILED if errorlevel 0 echo OK pause >NUL 2>&1 :============================================================================================================================================================================ :*/ And receive a "FAILED" value? Am I missing something? This machine is a VM with Windows 7 N.... THANK!
Bumb Any body and any ideas on this? I tried searching extensively for a solution to this and and coming up blank