Hi, Enthousiast. Sorry, my English isn't good, and I think I didn't understand very well. Maybe do you intend that I should use a kms emulator, as KMSPico?
If the Windows 7 is in perpetual grace, you can upgrade to Windows 10, but there are issues: 1. Windows 10 does not know any OOBE grace (initial 30 days in Genuine mode), you will be in Notification mode right away (=non-activated with all its restrictions, mostly personalization and watermark). This tool is does not work for Windows 8 and beyond. 2. Windows 10 will not be activated by a digital license/entitlement/Store license. That's because a Windows 7 in trial does not allow for a free HwID. Using Windows Loader (all Win7 SKUs except Enterprise) or a KMS solution like KMS_VL_ALL (only Pro or Enterprise, note that KMSPico and MTK are dead and buried)* will truly activate Windows 7, and Windows 10 will keep the activation after upgrade. Note that activation is hardware-bound. Edit: See post below for KMS-activated Windows.
10 Pro won't get a HWID from a KMS activated win 7 and for enterprise neither, the KMS activation will keep. For 7 Pro KMS activated there needs a specific upgrade step, first upgrading to 10586, before upgrading to the current builds.
Sorry, it's hard to remember all these special requirements. But, if you use KMS, why should you stop? KMS works on any Windows 10.
The HWID is a free gift for the life of the hardware for upgraders ps, he/she never told us what sku he/she is running, only a hint with mentioning the loader.
Hi, a friend of mine has Win7 with the old Trilogy (IR5+IORRT for Office 2010). He would like to install IR7 (Rearm Wizard) but without unistall Office 2010. So I tried to uninstall the old IR5 but not the old IORRT and then install the newer Rearm Wizard. But when we tried to install it (as admin, I know), a black empty Dos window appeared with only the flashing cursor and stuck. Maybe Rearm Wizard can't be installed if there is the old IORRT still present? I installed Rearm Wizard many times in different "just installed" Win7 systems and I never had any problem so far.
I don't know why, but I found that if I change the code from: Code: CLS=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute("\""+WScript.ScriptFullName+"\"","","","runas",1);/*&Echo off&title Rearm Wizard&NET FILE>NUL 2>&1||(CSCRIPT //B //E:JSCRIPT %0&EXIT /B) @echo off cls to... Code: @echo off cls mode con: cols=50 lines=12 >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" set params = %*:"="" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "%params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) pushd "%CD%" the windows prompt opens regulary and all is ok. The funny thing is I have others three Win7 systems and the above lines work well.
I've always had problems with IR7 reactivation (safe mode / no safe mode? it's weird how it sometimes worked and sometimes didnt) This time something went wrong and Windows somehow had lost its product key, IR7 wouldnt work. If you click Properties on My computer, there wont be a key. You need to find any key online (matching your distribution) and then enter it for the trial activation. Seemed to work for me, waiting for 30d to expire now. Thanks everyone Update 2022: Code: :: in CMD "install product key" slmgr /ipk <KEY FOR YOUR EDITION>" :: Now wait. It took my PC 10s before a new window appeared to say that the key was installed successfully. :: Then the message in bottom right disappeared
I gather this is the best solution for activation/trial reset of my Home Premium N ? Download link seems dead.
@bw4518 You should be able to copy the source code from the first post and paste it in a text file. Then rename the *.txt extension to *.bat to get started. Nonetheless, it would be better if you move to the regular non-N edition and/or shift to a higher SKU by performing an in-place upgrade for better scope of activation.
You don't need the download at all. Just copy everything in the Code box and save it as "Rearm Wizard.cmd". Edit: @Tito beat me. Attached the download regardless.
Checked it in a Windows 7 Home Premium N VM, it works. Got 5 rearms left (2 more than you have after install).