Not sure what your showing in the pic but I thought it best to not go directly to mainmenu since user might not want the initial color they we're testing (I understand now why it is done that way.) Understand does he now However, eventually it will be nice for D420 to stay same color as last entered upon opening D420 (So you want it not to start in black/white but in the color the users default color should be, whether that default color is black/white or yellow/green?) After initial color customization, color will be set, so if user exits D420 then upon re-opening D420 should have prior colors chosen 1. At IR6 install IR6 task and Hybrid2 task will be installed and Check.bat will be created and put into systemdrive (That will happen in final code, I should put the check.bat and hybrid coding in the the scripting i have now?) I can do all that, just need testing and correct errorlevel/restore theme/background testing 2. Hybrid2 always runs at start triggering the silently run Check.bat to find string of "Initial grace period" and if finds Check.bat simply exits. (I understand three freen, not the orange.) 3. If the string "Initial grace period" is not found then users comp was off when IR6 task was suppose to run/rearm/re-create IR6 task thus Check.bat will give cmd to run IR6 task which ultimately rearms and re-creates IR6 task so that 30 day task duration is reset. ( I see in check.bat that it has schtasks run and create, why? Once IR6 task run, does it delete?) With my indepth testing, I discovered that just creating new task over old task works, hence no task does not delete when run 4. If Check.bat determines it can't rearm by errorlevel (return codes) then Check.bat gives message to re-install IR6 (So "reinstalling" IR6 will boot to Windows RE, delete WPA key allowing the check.bat to rearm?) lol...Check rearm runs at start up and has nothing to do with RE WPA key delete That is my design and cmds are accurate but errorlevel check has not been tested yet. (The last code you post didn't have the hybrid2/check.bat code in it but I do see that you posted it in a post separately. Your saying the code should work but you haven't test it yet. Would a computer have to wait till the 30 days is up for that to be test?) I won't be putting any "eliminate" onstart rearming code til seperate code is working on it's own. Again I know how to put code to create Hybrid2 task and create Check.bat and put into systemdrive hence no need to test full operation as IR6 works perfect and only code in Check.bat needs testing and investigation. To test Code: cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv | FINDSTR /I "Initial grace period" >NUL one can either be in notifications or just activate then deactivate. I forget how to force notifications but will remember soon Also my restore theme/background concept has not been done yet but idea is simple. (Where does the theme go, I am sure it is set aside and another one put in place?) As my past posts indicate it resides in Code: %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes Even if we can't restore user theme or background we should redstore default background just so there's no black desktop background
After a bit of searching I found this Code: set KEY_NAME=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor set VALUE_NAME=DefaultColor for /F "usebackq tokens=3" %%A IN (`reg query "%KEY_NAME%" /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul ^| find "%VALUE_NAME%"`) do ( echo %%A ) It will grab the value of the defaultcolor registry key and set it. Just need to figure out how to get it to grab the last two digits. They key shows 0x0F and we only need 0F. Then change ECHO %%A to COLOR %%A __ cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv | FINDSTR /I "Initial grace period" >NUL Tested it, works? Used it on a machine that was activated, just changed IGP to licensed. If it finds what your looking for then errorlevel returns 0, doesn't find it, errorlevel 1.
That blows, but at least my "eliminate manual rearm" concept is out there to use different logic. Still wish knew what place in regsitry is when watermark is present and could query that which should be non-english specific as it's registry key setting? Thanks slave77 The color code sounds promising but slave77 says FINDSTR doesn't work in non-english W7OS, so we'll have to do translation for each language or find other logic to determine at boot am in notifications or not?
Let me know when you got those FORCE NOTIFICATION instructions. I played around with setting the background. I can change out the image there wither another jpg image but only shows as background when I log off/on.
lol...Don't want to force notifications just detect either if watermark is present or if past 30 days via date/time comparison or other way, I don't care how it is done just wish IR6 user to not have to manual rearm upon start up if they missed IR6 task run time Should be able to just restore background like system restore would do if reg backup was restored correct?
?? Still need to see what happens to the background when notification status is active right? When messing with my background I didn't touch the registry. Just the background file in "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes" named "TranscodedWallpaper.jpg" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "Wallpaper"="C:\\Users\\Cody\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Themes\\TranscodedWallpaper.jpg" This they key you talking about backing up? Does it change once notification status is active or does it just replace the users background with a black one? Could it also, like the paintdesktop and the other registry key, not even matter cause its something else?
Doesn't really matter if we can't scan for initial grace cause language problem exists Not sure that is what will work. I think that MS puts wallpaper with watermark called that? If past 30 days desktop goes black immediately! There is registry when user sets theme/background so restore that would be ideal but can't do any of that till eliminate manual rearm
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes] "CurrentTheme"="C:\\Windows\\resources\\Themes\\landscapes.theme"
To save brain let's work on: 1. Eliminate manual rearm 2. Restore desktop theme/backgroun 3. Delete WPA key inside windows so subkeys reset with 5 rearm 30 days (includes installing OS default key)(And total redesign of IR6 )
To save brain let's work on: 1. Eliminate manual rearm (Does it have to run at the time you've set? Couldn't it be ran twice a month or would that require an increase in reinstalling IR6?) 2. Restore desktop theme/backgroun (waiting on this one) 3. Delete WPA key inside windows so subkeys reset with 5 rearm 30 days (includes installing OS default key)(And total redesign of IR6 ) (I tried doing that by just opening regedit and navigating to that key, and deleting it, didnt work. Even tried setting a schtasks that runs a bat as /ru system, still didnt delete them.)
1. Let's not improve whats already awesome in IR6, just give non-manual rearm for users 2. Yea that's after no manual rearm in investigation 3. Yea I know
Well we both at least know what we're trying to Not sure everybody does A. At start up want to know if in notifications, if yes rearm, if no exit, if can't rearm give re-install IR6 msg
Beat me to it, was just about to post. This is just the part that checks to see if its in notification status. If its in notification. should rearm, if not, closes. Schtasks Code: schtasks /create /tn "RearmCheck" /tr "%SystemDrive%\Check.bat" /sc onstart /ru "" >NUL Check.bat Code: @echo off cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv | FINDSTR /I "0xC004F056" >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( goto exit ) ELSE ( rem schtasks /create /tn "IR6" /tr "'%SystemDrive%\Windows\system32\cmd.exe' /c cscript.exe /b %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /rearm && net stop sppsvc && net start sppsvc" /sc daily /mo 30 /ru "" /f >NUL goto :eof ) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo It is time to re-install IR6... & pause & goto exit ) ELSE ( ) :Exit exit