Reasons Why It's Hopeless to Try to Fix Windows 10

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Blankar_Fragowitz, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. El_Heffe

    El_Heffe MDL Member

    Jul 16, 2007
    Anything that you can disable, Microsoft can re-enable. And it's already been shown that Microsoft is using hard coded IP addresses to by-pass the hosts file. And then there's Windows Update. Disabling WU is not necessarily a good idea because sometime there are legitimate bugs or security problems that need to be patched. But Microsoft rarely tells you exactly what a patch contains. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft starts trying to put their "telemetry" stuff into different files to make it hard to find/block.

    That's why blocking traffic with a firewall is the only thing that is going to work.
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  2. shanye

    shanye MDL Junior Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    I can only find one - the P2P update thing. Every time I allow an update, that gets switched by on again. Other than that, I am seeing nothing telemetry orientated being re-applied.
  3. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    Which script and block-list removes all the spying? AFAIK spying is hard-build-in in Windows 10 and it will bypass any tweaks/tricks.
  4. thorin0815

    thorin0815 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    A disk format + Linux install + Privacy Badger.

    Sorry couldn't resist!
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  5. mrbbq

    mrbbq MDL Addicted

    Jul 18, 2015

    As I said. Disable it. Use a firewall. Kill processes. Block everything. Admin a damn system properly and don't take stupid risks and there's no actual reason you need updates.
    There's nothing they can do then. Secure the router you have, secure the firewall you use, those aren't going to be bypassed without a hell of a lot of effort from someone outside going after a random person.

    Complete and utter rubbish from conspiracy fantasists who like to spout nonsense off as fact, with no actual evidence and a metric blankton against it. Block away.
  6. manix

    manix MDL Junior Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    No, not really.
    As I have said, spyware processes are both bypassing the hosts file AND they use svchost, which needs to be allowed Internet access so your Internet could function.
  7. November_Zulu

    November_Zulu MDL Junior Member

    Jul 21, 2015
    [h=2]Linux Mint: After One Week[/h]
    Private Internet Access was a PITA as that's PIA's fault. They COULD make a better GUI and an easy installer, but they don't, so they let the retarded and psychopathic trolls on PIA forum give-out half-assed directions. However, the quadriplegic homo "Iryie" does have a workable set of instructions on how to install PIA on Linux Mint. The Down Side: You have to manually enter your Username and Password for every single PIA server (about 20). But it does work.

    Azureus/Vuze installed nicely via the Software Manager.

    Thunderbird also installed via the Software Manager, but you have to manually copy your profile from (in my case) Win7 to LM.

    Pale Moon has a LM installer from the Pale Moon home page, and the profile transfer was more difficult and more trial and error. Too complex for me to say anything else, other than "keep trying".

    There's a bunch of "Themes" you can install via the Software Manager and some of them make the GUI look more like Windows, which is comforting. Linux Mint color out of the box is FUGLY. Pukey pea green "mint" with echos of feces brown. One thing I haven't figured out yet is how to get rid of the ugly LM "Start Button".

    Wine is a must-have, as is "Play on Linux", both available from the Software Manager.

    "Shutter" is the linux screen shot utility, and it's a piece of s**t

    VLC Player works perfectly in LM. I had to transition from Klite Codec, so there was a bit of a learning curve for me there.

    Skype installs from Software Manager and works "okay" but it's REALLY ugly.

    I just had enough of Microsoft's s**t. That's it. Played with Win10 for a month; read all the horror stories here, ignored all the retarded fanboys of Microsoft (some of whom I think are paid) and made the decision that I didn't care what I had to live without (games and whatnot), I'm done with Microsoft forever. I'm done with trying to hack, crack, tweak and "adjust" their stupid software, done with wondering if I'm infected, done with BSOD's, etc... Done with all of it. They can piss up a rope, as can the retarded fellatiators and boy-lovers that love MS and require everyone to kiss the head of it's pee-pee before being able to download email or browse craigslist. I'm done. Don't care what other people do either. ​
  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    ROFL, what an spectacular rant, oh yes!! :worthy:
  9. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
    Dual boot enterprise, disable WU and uninstall lan hardware, win will never phone home and you can use win programs and games.
  10. winbond

    winbond MDL Novice

    Oct 27, 2009
    #70 winbond, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    ugly is linuxs middle name, you will have to get used to ugly looks and ugly hacks,
    take for example kde4, they have the same horrible horrible looking icon set and themes from like 15yrs ago(ridiculous),
    can linux desktop look amazing? yes after you spend 100hrs into it, do i want to do that? no
    the #1 reason why osx got so popular is because? you guessed it, they made it look great,
    and #2? the desktop was made functional
  11. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    If you spent a week with Mint, then you should take a few days and try about 5 more.

    Mint *CHECK

    Ubuntu (ok really you don't have to try this sack of snot)

    btw my reply still stands from your original thread.

    Awesome... Just awesome.
  12. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013

    November_Zulu it sounds like you are angry, or frustrated, or a bit of both. All you say about LM are the reasons I wouldn't touch Linux with a ten-foot pole. Now, I am not getting paid, nor am I affiliated with MS in any way, shape, or form, and no one in my family is, but I love Windows, and especially Windows 10. I have it installed using express settings, and with a MSA, and I it runs super fast on my computer. I love to hack, crack, tweak, and adjust the software, and I have done so. I do not worry about getting infected. I have Defender disabled, and run Malwarebytes Antimalware Premium only. I don't care what anyone says about so-called spying. I don't fall for that. The last I heard there weren't any rooms in Seattle or anywhere else filled with technicians at terminals looking in on me. LOL But, go right ahead, rant all you want. It is very therapeutic, and I am sure you feel better for having done so.
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  13. cdavisdeco

    cdavisdeco MDL Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2015
    So you're telling, after using those scripts and tools to stop Windows 10 data collecting, it's not gonna stop because of Windows Update.
  14. roga

    roga MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    You got that straight.
    Windows update = spying comes back.
    No windows update = hackers exploit security hole.
    Either way you are screwed with Windows.
  15. cdavisdeco

    cdavisdeco MDL Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2015
  16. mrbbq

    mrbbq MDL Addicted

    Jul 18, 2015
    #76 mrbbq, Sep 14, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    Processes that are no longer running and are blocked aren't accessing a damn thing. You are free to sit and watch every byte of traffic for yourself. How exactly are they also accessing Microsoft servers which are blocked not just in hosts but via my own router and Peerblock?

    Conspiracy fantasy nonsense until actual proof otherwise. Go on, if all this data is still being transmitted and processes are invisibly running never using CPU time or RAM or HDD space or bandwidth to transmit this data, surely you can come up with one log or just a byte that supports this assertion?

    Show us one of these apparently rampant data gathering processes like Cortana or Defender running after it has been forcibly disabled. Show us as little as one byte going out from anything you don't personally allow to do so after these things have been applied.
    No. You can't. As nobody has been able to do for weeks now. Why? Because it isn't damn well happening, is it?

    And roga, if your router and setup is so open that people are able to bypass it enough to exploit Windows security holes, get one that works and stop visiting those porn sites.
  17. dasag

    dasag MDL Junior Member

    Mar 9, 2014
    @mrbbq.. I am sure you are correct that once these services are blocked there is no traffic to Microsoft.

    The issue is whether the blocked services are being re-enabled in updates.

    I use the updates and so far I have seen no evidence that MS are doing that.

    Is there any proof that the pipeline to the Microsoft servers is being reopened with the updates.?? Or is that just another false assumption.?
  18. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
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  19. tmf2

    tmf2 MDL Junior Member

    May 5, 2010
    Same here.....only one week on Mint and less on Deepin installing PIA on both was easy peesy.:g: