Instead of resetting them to defaults, I want something that will make my folder view settings consistent throughout all folders...
Yes, this is just what this *.reg file does. It resets the folder and enables you to save the settings for each folder. It also incrises the amount of deferent saved folders you can customize.
Ya, but it makes them all defaults, and you would have to configure all folders separately to get them how I want. I want all icons to be listed as details, and as for details shown, I only want: Date modified, size, and type. I want files sorted by type in ascending order, and I want to have show file extensions enabled as well as hidden/system files to be shown. Configuring all folders to be like this in XP was a trivial task. In Vista, it's an ordeal of hellish proportions.
Best vista fix ever! This is the way Vista should have come out of the box! Amazing, I've always wanted the basic folder view [as a business computer user] and I can't imagine that a majority of the public likes the default setting they ship with. It seems to me [as a former MSoft worker who originally worked on XP in the days of ME depression back when they rushed XP out to cover up the ME fiasco] that MSoft should have taken the "average" user into consideration when shipping Vista. They should have also taken NVidia, ATI, and HPackard to task for NOT rebuilding their drivers properly before launch [it isn't like they didn't have the core OS/Kernal to work with for almost 3 years prior to Vistas original scheduled release]. Over 70% of all Vista crashes are DIRECTLY related to those 3 lads not doing their jobs when it came to providing safe and stable drivers. Anyway, back to the topic here... If they simply would have shipped Vista with a more basic configuration [why not ship with Aero and most of the Bells and Whistles off, and show you how to turn them on with a flashy tutorial, which would insure a must safer experience for the majority of folks upgrading from XP?] and safe drivers from the Motown, ooops, I mean the "INDIA 3" that I mentioned above, the Vista launch would have been a completely different experience. Anyway, I'm a VISTA guy now, and your fix SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE DEFAULT SHIP SETTING [are you listening MS], I thank you for saving me 25 registry edits, with one click! BRAVO!
new boy here... Just joined today, Sept 2nd.... Finding this site one of the most interesting i have seen in ages. At the mo i am actually running XP. I keep installing Vista onto a spare drive and playing with it.One thing which does really annoy is the folders re-setting to what ever they want. Do i get this right. The little reg file i just downloaded will tell Vista to keep a folder at the settings i choose. Does this file need to be in a specific spot SYSTEM for example or run from anywhere. Also can this be put into the Vista DVD prior to an install and still work.
Thanks for this, registered just for this, and by god has it been heaven! Been installing it on every Vista system I work on
window vista home basic vs zip/rar files I have been using 'window vista home basic' operating system with 'dell vostro 1500' laptop from one year. I have installed several software also latest version of winzip & winrar. My problem is that my window vista application is not recognising zip/rar files from one week. When installing zip/rar file it works well but after re-staring window zip/rar files icon changes into white & window does not recognige the zip/ rar files. Kindly let me know what I should do to eliminate this problem.
Just signed in to check out this zip file. Is a restart or anything else needed to make this work? My main problem is when i arrange my game folder icons to particular little groups or genres as soon as I exit and go back in to check the order it always reverts back to the default views and order it was before the change. The other issue is desktop icons will go back as well. I just used the registry hack and tried this and it didnt work for me. Runnin vista ultimate 64. Update: After doing it a few times in a row it seems to have caught on and now my folders are retaining their changed positions. We shall see if it stays over time. Thanks again. Also I too am having the zip folder issue another was having where it doesnt show the zip folder but the folder works just like intended. Havent figured that one out yet. There is another Vista issue some of you may be having as well regarding the recycle bin dissapearing. My issue with that wasnt the usual hitting the delete recycle bin accidentally it was shortly after I emptied the recycle bin when I closed it out and went back to desktop it wouldnt be there till I refreshed it. For some strange reason I did a registry edit to change the name to "Trash" and the issue has resolved itself. Dunno, just seems if most of these issues were fairly easy fixes for the more knowledgeable PC users out there that MS couldve and shouldve fixed these issues with slight ease. Guess we will never get an answer to that one I fear. Anyway, thanks for the folder fix. Seems to have gotten the job done and releived some of my vista woes.
Reply Um, if this has unexpected consequences, how does one get back to the prehack configuration? If you are going to tell me to back up the registry, a few words about how to do that would be appreciated.
I'm having a real odd problem here, first of i had the problem where my thumbnails weren't showing so i followed the regedits here and after that it was all fine. But later on i did a disk cleanup and deleted my thumbnails too, which in the process messed up my thumbnails once again. So I went through all the procedures i did before, checking the folder options and doing the regedit changes posted here again but this time I'm not getting any results, so does anyone have any idea what i could do next? It could very well be something small that I'm overlooking, any help would be much appreciated.
lost folder options hallo guys... please help me...i lost my folder options ..i dont know coz of what..but lately 2 days ago i lost it. i cant find even inside control panel. search box..theres is no there. some of friend its coz i got virus attack. but i not sure about that. please...