RemoteFX vGPU any idea on how ro restore it after April 2021? [SOLVED]

Discussion in 'Windows Server' started by acer-5100, Jul 4, 2021.

  1. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #21 acer-5100, Apr 23, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2023
    Probaly a language barrier, but I still don't understan what you're trying to do.

    #1 All the base packages are 19041. Period.

    Anything after that is 19041.1 + a cumulative update, no matter if 19041.2 or 19045.99999. Is that clear?

    Just don't download the cumulative updates and you have a 19041.1 ISO or packages.

    Esd decrypter? o_O

    Seem you hate the simple things :D

    Open them with 7zip!

    What about following the on screen instructions?

    Follow the wizard, > choose the edition and language > on the final page you'll get 3 options one of them is for creating the iso.

    Put a pause inside the script before the iso creation and youll' have all the 37/39 packages downloaded for you.


    Let the script finish and you'll have a assembled ISO
  2. rkm

    rkm MDL Novice

    Sep 25, 2012
    I did not realize that previously, thank you.

    However, using the UppDump site you recommended, I am unable to find "19041.1"

    Based on what you've written here, that indicates everything 19041.* related is then cumulative.

    Perhaps I'm using the site wrong? I use the search feature, enter 19041 and there is no option for 19041.1

    Thank you, I researched how to open the ESD files and didn't see 7z mentioned; this will be much easier.

    You've mentioned "the wizard" a few times; however, I have absolutely no idea of the context or what I would be running to find a "wizard".

    You first mentioned this in the context of the UppDump site. I spent a good amount of time without finding any sort of wizard there, without results. I then googled the terms together and didn't find anything that route either.

    There is something very basic in your description that I'm just missing and as a result, it appears to be making things more complicated, I'm sorry. If it were possible to be just a tiny bit more verbose, it might give me just enough to figure more of this out on my own.

    I promise you, I'm truly trying to do my best to take your statements, research them, and reply with my best interpretation.

    Thank you again for the ideas.
  3. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    Damn it, I can't say how to rephrase for the fifth time.

    Request any freaking 1904x build, you will get 19041.1 (PLUS cumulative updates).

    That's all.

    What's so difficult to understand?

    I don't want to be rude but...

    Seriously, you are attempting to do something of very advanced, but you don't have any idea of most basic things/terminology.

    Wizard: the guided procedure (any program/website that follows you in steps asking a question after another, to configure/request something)



    Aside that you don't know, what wizard means? Open google or duckduck and search, don't wait to be spooned for any smallest detail.
  4. rkm

    rkm MDL Novice

    Sep 25, 2012
    #24 rkm, Apr 24, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2023
    I understand if you don't want to help. As much as I appreciate your efforts, it's your right not to reply.

    However, please try to refrain from being insulting as the problem here is clearly with communication.

    While I attempt to be humble and place the blame on myself for not understanding you -- this is not a problem I've ever had in a technical forum, not once, in the past.

    I'm a software developer that's spent years in everything from assembly, to C, C++, eventually C# and have contributed to dozens of open-source projects. I've written one of the world's fastest in-memory databases/sort algo's among hundreds of other solutions since I began coding at 11 years of age.

    However, intelligence has nothing to do with a simple lack of communication, which is clearly the case here.

    -- For example --
    You have insulted me for not understanding that the "wizard" you're referring to, is the UUPdump "NEXT" option.

    That "Next" button/option has never been available to me.

    In every instance, after trying this dozens of times, I always get the following (this is just one example -- the same occurs w/other versions as well):

    The problem isn't my ignorance, it's the fact that you assumed I was receiving a result and ignoring something you assumed but did not explicitly communicate.

    Your original post (before my first reply) claimed it had to be a 19041 prior to the 800-series releases and Microsoft's own documentation claims that it was removed in subsequent releases.

    Yet on UUPdump, every "Server" release of 19041 (every single release) does not have the "Next" option you've referred to just now for the first time.

    When I tested 19045.2908 as in your screenshot, it was the first time I received the "Next" option.

    -- Example 2 --
    You previously wrote that I should not download a Cumulative Update under any circumstances and you criticized me for choosing the version based on your input.

    After you wrote that, I then attempted to find the version 19041.1 without a higher increment, just as you advised.

    Despite your statements being contradictory, you're now insulting me for that as well.

    -- Example 3 --
    In the beginning you told me to download a 1904x build. When I downloaded that build, you criticized me for it.

    Now here you're claiming to do the same thing, while suggesting I didn't listen to you the first time (I did, yet you told me I was wrong when I did).


    It's \unfortunate to be so quick to judge a person when there is a communication/translation issue. Particularly when it's much easier to ask a few simple questions to get "on the same page."

    Despite that, I appreciate your help. I don't want to be a burden to you, so I won't invest any more time attempting to extract a bit more clear details.

    Best regards.
  5. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Why you're trying to download windows server?

    Who told you to do that? Win Server 19041 has no GUI, hence isn't good for the purpose.

    Download win 10

    And no one is insulting you, just looks like is too hard to explain the simplest thing.
  6. rkm

    rkm MDL Novice

    Sep 25, 2012
    You contradicted yourself multiple times (and you misread statements I made) -- yet the entire time I attempted to overlook the issue and be as polite as possible.

    You made bad assumptions, then on the basis of those you were indeed insulting:

    You're obviously very valuable to MDL and provide a great deal of help.

    Yet in so many posts I read from you, you're so quick to insult others.

    I'm not sue why that is, when it's so much easier to try to understand one another better, than to be insulting or argumentative.

    Here are some examples...

    If you go back to my first post and re-read, you'll see that because I had rewritten the script to match the slightly earlier release, the issue you proclaimed to be the problem -- was not (based on what you've explained subsequently).

    That confused me. Not because I didn't understand; rather, because you didn't take the time to first understand my specific issue.
    Later you misspoke in the release I needed to download.

    When I followed your instructions precisely, you proclaimed that I was wrong (instead of realizing it was your instructions that were not accurate)
    Later you complained about my downloading a cumulative update.

    Later you contradicted that point, stating that I should indeed download a cumulative update.

    I'm not complaining or insulting you. I'm merely explaining that it's more productive to have some level of introspection ..before.. criticizing others so definitively.

    Thanks for your help, I wish you the best.
  7. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Frankly being polite, is useless when you refuse to read and understand a matter which is complicate in its own but I tried to make the simplest as possible.

    I made bad assumptions? It's you that attempt to do random things insted of following some plain instructions.

    I have Yet to see another user that's unable to download an ISO or a package from uupdump, after someone else explain how to do it, even using screenshots.

    Come on, don try to fool me or everyone else reading this thread.

    On your first post you started taking about packages taken fro 1809 WHICH IS AN ISSUE, no matter how good is your rewritten script

    It's an issue not just for you. It's an issue because that may be confusing for other users.

    You had to do ONE thing. Follow the instructions, and ask for anything was still unclear or not detailed to the newbie level..

    But YOU refused to do that.

    Hahaha, I understand that blaming someone else may be good for your pride, but isn't an honest behavior.

    Mainly for yourself, I care relatively.
    Again, don't be childish. Where supposedly I suggested to download a cumulative update?

    Looks like after two days, you're still trying to do random things instead of following simple instructions, starting from the ones on UUPdump.

    I suggest to take more time in reading (and understanding) rather than writing.

    It would be more productive for both you, me and everyone else reads this thread.

    Have a nice day.
  8. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #28 acer-5100, May 19, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023

    For the record this part still works in Win11/ Server 11


    Obviously remoteFX will never work there, but if you have a VM shared between and W11 and a RemoteFX enabled machine, you may find useful the ability to add / remove the RemoteFX VGA to the VM,graphically (otherwise you are limited to powershell, to boot the VM in W11)
  9. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #29 acer-5100, Jun 4, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
    For the record I tested my method on the latest 1904x.3031 (may 2023 CU)

    And while it still formally works (after a bit of refinement) the resulting thing is not fully functional (the VMs. stay on boot logo forever if the RFX VGA is enabled)

    Probably is still possible to get it working carefully selecting what to remove and what to replace but given we are talking of 200+ Hyper-V related packages, I think is not worth to beat the horse further.



    Got it working.
    Was partly my fault, and in part because MS replaced a relevant RFX driver (Synth3dVsc) using an additional package rather than replace the original.

    Also Hyper-V storage part must be not removed (and not replaced with older ones)

    In short everything is a bit more complicate than initially was, but still feasible.
  10. ibay770

    ibay770 MDL Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    #30 ibay770, Jun 14, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
  11. Dikson

    Dikson MDL Novice

    Nov 8, 2023
    hi, acer.

    I'm new here, I tried to follow the thread guide but with the disputes, I can't understand.

    Would you have any problems with passing on the custom ISO you made?

    or could you show me how you did it?
  12. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Improved ISOs are not allowed on mdl.

    Just ask what's not clear to you
  13. Dikson

    Dikson MDL Novice

    Nov 8, 2023

    Thanks in advance

    I'm a newbie, and I'm trying to use RemoteFX because GPU-P doesn't work for me. I'm trying to use hyper-V to play with a friend

    1 question: What I could understand is that you use RemoteFX from old versions 21h2 19041 and compile it into ISOs from new versions, correct?

    Question 2: I was also looking for version 21h2 19041 but I can't find it.

    -I get the following in UUP dump-

    Update for Windows 10 Version 21H2 19041.xxxx but I can't get ISO win 10 21h2 19041

    Feature update to Windows 10, version 2004 19041.xxxx but I don't know if this version works.


    Excuse my English, it's from Google Translate
  14. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    Sorry, but if you are a newbie and you never used RFX, why not practice using any windows before 04/21?

    As I wrote on my first message, speaking of 1904x the most recent versions that has still the RFX present (albeit disabled by default) are 1904x.867/868/870 (they are very close releases). 1904x.906 is the very latest one, but it has the EDGE replaced with the ugly Edge chromium, which wastes almost 2GB of storage, so I dont suggest to use it)
  15. Dikson

    Dikson MDL Novice

    Nov 8, 2023
    I want to use RemoteFX because I'm using an old computer.

    i7 3370 - rx 580 8GB and I can't get GPU-P to work unless I just use Set-VM -HighMemoryMappedIoSpace 512MB -VMName $vm

    or less than 512MB

    And inventing, RemoteFX can work as an alternative for me. Although honestly I'm already discouraged.

    Thanks for your help, and maybe I'll try to get RemoteFX working another time. <3
  16. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    That's perfect. I used it on a 3470s

    I tested, for the first time GPU-P using a underpowered machine but I had no problem setting up it. albeit the VGA (Radeon R7) is integrated and it has just 1GB of shared memory available.

    Seem strange you have problems with a way more powerful GPU, with dedicated RAM

    Sorry but descouraged by what?

    As far as I understand you have yet to try to do anything

    Wat a week of failed attempts before to start being discouraged (or look for a different hobby :) )

    Again I don't understand where the problem is.

    It's matter of a couple of mouse clicks, no degree needed like in GPU P or DDA
  17. Dikson

    Dikson MDL Novice

    Nov 8, 2023
    I don't understand my problem with GPU-P either

    assign any value above 512MB (1024MB for example) in
    High memory mapped IoSpace

    It just doesn't start the VM in HyperV and gives me this error The upper MMIO region (0x000000101ffff000) is above the supported physical address range. make sure
    that the upper MMIO region is below 0x0000001000000000.

    On the other hand, looking in UUP Dump, the oldest version that allows me to create a windows 21h2 iso is

    Preview of the cumulative update for Windows 10 version 21H2 (19044.1147) amd64

    But you mentioned that those versions are not useful, do you know another way to get a "compatible" ISO for the project?
  18. Dikson

    Dikson MDL Novice

    Nov 8, 2023
    Does this version work for this project?

    Cumulative update for Windows 10 version 2004 (19041.84) x86
  19. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    #1 This project has nothing to do with testing RemoteFX. This project is about *RE*enabling the feature after it was removed. Just read the title.

    If you want to test it just use a ISO older than April 2021, as I wrote 3/4 times

    Guys, as usual, don't wait to be spooned even on each obvious detail.

    Just turn a couple of neurons ON and ask yourself if a x86 ISO can be any good for Hyper-V which is x64 only....
  20. Dikson

    Dikson MDL Novice

    Nov 8, 2023
    Bro, I'm a newbie like I told you. I just didn't see that x86 happened to you instead of x64 (amd64)

    and quiet, if I know the differences in architecture.

    since they are next to each other on the page.

    and obviously I can use an outdated version for testing, but my intention was to do what you did, RE*enabling RemoteFX to use it in a more current 22h2 version.

    Also, I apologize that you had to explain to me the difference between ISO x64 and x86

    "Guys, as usual, don't wait to be spooned even on each obvious detail."

    Likewise, if at some point you make a more detailed tutorial on how to make that ISO or upload the ISO already packaged on another platform, I would love to try it.

    Thank you for everything and sorry for the inconvenience. <3