The significance is that it is Steve Gibson's ( GRC=Gibson Research Corporation ) website, he gained his fame in the early 1990's by creating and developing a program called Spinrite ( amongst many other useful utilities ) which was an excellent tool for doing anything which needed to be done with hard drives.
I would love to see some smart coder develop an app to send false telemetry, the idea being to swamp them with false info in effectrendering what the have useless, not only that but to make so it can be run on other windozes, and operating system, in other words flood the S.O.Bs
Both are update clients Both released last month Both Win10 related I can't vouch for kb3138615 But I run kb3138612 on Win7 and have had no problems
The KB article for KB3153731 is titled May 2016 DST update for Azerbaijan, Chile, Haiti, and Morocco in Windows.
Yeah didn't see anything too dangerous, but the world should stand shocked when man up and decides that time is changing, and of all the possible luck, in our favor
It's about time!! Best news I've heard all day--but knowing MS, do we believe they will get rid of ALL telemetry from Windows 7? Nope. I'm just glad this will be one less thing to try and weed out every time there's a new batch of updates... it was getting very annoying. (warning: following text off-topic) If any good came out of it, I'm now dual-booting Linux Mint alongside Win7. IMO, MS began killing an otherwise very respectable GUI design when Win98 hit the streets. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at the fact that the Amiga's Workbench 1.3 GUI was heavily criticized for being flat and ugly (and rightly so). Now we have Windows 10 trying to pretend it's not flat and ugly. Not that it would do any good, but someone needs to tell MS that GUIs are not the fashion industry.
Hi Have the profs giving up checking Win 7 updates for Telemetry ? Since there have been less to none information about the last win 7 updates the few last months? Skugge
Thank you so much for answering, abbodi1406! I know the the thread owner have been gone for a quite while now, but I know there are other bright minds out here that might come up with some usefull information along with the updates. But if you could point me in a direction of non wanted telemerty and win 10 upgrade I'm happy to take the advise. For information, I have used these tools to stay as far away as I can from telemetry and win10 upgrade and wish to further stay that way: DWS Lite GWX control panel never10 Regards Skugge
When Microsoft stops pushing Windows 10 on Windows 7 users, that is a worry, it mean Windows 7 already updated to do all the spying Windows 10 does.
Few quick notes - I've updated my post and done edits and cleanup to the script and the table. I've removed quite a few updates that I no longer see as harmful or related to 10 or telemetry. I've also added the commands (to my script) to add the reg tweaks to disable Win10 upgrade as well as disabling (hiding) GWX. Obviously running the script means you're removing those updates (if they're already installed) but I feel safer having the reg entries there in case they try to sneak them back in either unannounced or as a different update. Compared to my old list this one is leaner. There's less here. Some people may say now it's incomplete - that's their opinion, obviously. There are other lists 2 and 3x as large (hell, my old one was probably double this one). There are other posters with scripts and tweaks and such that cover more. Again, I've only removed what I feel is safe. I feel that there was a lot of heresay on many of the updates I removed, but no concrete info proving they were bad. In that case, they've been removed. For instance - updating the Windows Update app = good thing (IMHO). I had those updates listed at least a few times (and then duplicated because there are different ones for 7 compared to 8.1). That fixes the 100% CPU utilization/long update times. If you're using the rollup pack (which as others have said, is basically a SP2 for 7), keep in mind, that doesn't install 2952664 or 3035583, but it does install several of them on my list related to telemetry. In any event - cheers.