Thanks for helping me out, one problem there was no old bluetooth module, I was wanting to add it internally to free up a USB port. Am I screwed? The bluetooth I listed is part of the new card but it shows up like 2 different devices in the device manager.
No, I haven't checked SLIC... I'm not sure how to do this? But mobo isn't bricked, new wifi card works well. Flashed from windows.
I checked your bios, it is RSA signed I don't know how to patch your bios safely. The risk of brick the PC is very high so I don't want to try. Sorry.
Story of my life Thanks for checking it out for me! Actually I have a loader I can try and I can recover a bad bios flash so I would be willing to test it out if you have nothing better to do
In the midle of the update procedure the an error message appeared. I am sending you the log from Winflash.log file: Get bios image from SecMain... [0126/094403:INFO:utils.cpp(29)] version=10002h HeaderSize=1000h HeaderChecksum=37b8h TotalImageSize=801000h TotalImageChecksum=7a7ch NumberOfImages=1 [0126/094403:INFO:utils.cpp(29)] [0]: 520000h, 2e0000h Bios [0126/094403:INFO:utils.cpp(29)] imageDigest fail! [0126/094403:INFO:utils.cpp(29)] Fail to authenticate image! [0126/094403:INFO:utils.cpp(29)] Fail to authenticate image! Fail: UNSUPPORTED! [0126/094403:INFO:utils.cpp(29)] winflash.exe end at [2012-01-26 09:44:03]. [0126/094403:INFOhlashdlg.cpp(567)] PFAE return 28675