Found out something, phxpatch says: BIOSCOD5.rom: patch wlan1 matched and applied 1 time(s); patch wlan1a not matched, not applied; patch wlan2 matched and applied 1 time(s); patch wwan1 matched and applied 2 time(s); patch wwan1a not matched, not applied; patch wwan2 not matched, not applied; wrote changed file as origi_roms/BIOSCOD5.rom.patched; Maybe the mask/pattern changed? Serched for patterns manually("fRfPS" string), and found it in bioscod1.rom and bioscod3.rom too. Actually, the patcher made changes into bioscod5.rom only. If somebody have a clue how to make changes manually(ie. what to replace with what) pls. help me. Thanx for advice