No guesses as to what the problem is in the BIOS? I have given up as well. I am flashing back to whitelisted BIOS and inserting original cards. If I still get beeping, them maybe the laptop has an issued. If not, then it was a valiant effort. I'll be able to use the new card someday... hopefully sooner rather then later. Thanks TTAV! EDIT: It appears that by removing CMOS battery I was able to fix the startup/sleep issues. Still beeps but if the CMOS corruption was just from initial flashing, I can deal with the beeping. Other errors I was seeing were a combination of driver-OS interactions and cheap tape.
hi TTAV My Lenovo T60 Produce ID 20084AU it is have two error: - error 0187 eaia data access - 0191 System Security Invalid Remote Change requested Can you modify bios to fix 2 error? thank
By the way, if there's someplace I can upload the original bios for someone to look at, please let me know where to place it.
When I used ANDY's Tool to dump the bios, I did a grep on the files for the word "unsupported" and got 6 hits. Unfortunately, those files don't seem to have any messages about unsupported WLAN devices or 104 errors.
I found the files I need to edit: 7FA4AE0A-1404-4DCC-BE28-CE58029CF5D1_2_677.ROM & E62F9F2F-4895-4AB5-8F1A-399D0D9C6B90_2_672.ROM by doing a grep for 'w.i.r.e.l.e.s.s' Now I need to figure out how to find which symbols to edit and how.
I think I found the right hex character to change to EB. I then hit OK from Andy's tool, rename the file to 01433.fd, and copy the file to a folder that has the current bios and insydeflash from HP (this forces me to overwrite the bios with the same filename). Anyways, running insyde flash gives me an error of "CAN NOT FOUND SIGN FILE". Any ideas?
So I modified a dumped bios (the .bin files HP puts in a bios recovery folder) that requires a different or modified .dll to work with insydeflash.exe, is that correct? The user who bricked his laptop, did he use the same .bin that I used for the same laptop, or was it just a similar approach with a different laptop? I wonder if it would be easier to flash the firmware on these intel 6200 cards so that they looked like a broadcom card to the HP bios.