OK, thanks for your response. Do you know anyone who might, and if so can you point me to them? I'd greatly appreciate it.
I keep checking to see if anyone has figured out the write protect thing some of us with Lenovo G580's are running into has been resolved..... When there is an update from Lenovo there has to be some way to write that update. So it seems to me they at least know the trick.....
thank you for your response but I have already tested this mod bios by Camiloml and no results. (have delleted HPTools partition before) My Intel Wlan card is still rejected, same issue. Also, when I run this modded bios trough Phoenix, the whitelist still appear. I have tested few other sp54724 modded bios I've found on forums (whitelist removed only, or with OC capability added...) nothing, my card il rejected at the boot. The card run fine when switched after the boot (after the bios check) so the laptop can handle it. That's why I ask a special moded bios with my ID card added ! Thanks a lot for your help. Works earn money : I will appreciate to donate for a working modded bios
Hello, i am trying the last two days, modding my Lenovo Twist (S230U) Bios, to get a Centrino 6300 Ultimate N Wifi Card working with it. --->No Success. Is out there any positive Feedback from a Owner geting a other Wifi Card working by disable or moddin the Whitelist on a Twist? Model Nr: 3347-28G (the G stand for Germany i think???) Bios is gdet96ww (1.56). with phnxpatch.exe no patch is compatible. And the other modding Options in phoenixtoolv2.14 are too dangerous for me, cause i don´t realy know what the Parameters would do. would´nt brick my leno. Greetings from Germany
ive installed the bios, however, the wireless turns off automatically on each reboot. i have to manually turning off and on again the hardswitch to turn on the wireless. is this normal for modded bios?