Yes, both files contains it's original names, but I removed whitelist check on both. report here the result of your experiment.
I tried backup.rom. Everything is fine after reboot. But when I plugged new wireless card in, laptop won't boot. Only back screen, no POST.
I'm using loader for activation as workaround, so I have not tried it yet. My friend sent me a copy of fpt64: Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool. Version: I will not provide this copy. I'm not sure if it is confidential. Becaunse he's a bios engineer. EDIT: tried SLIC, but aida64 told me slic 2.1 is not there
Congrats fjfc @fjfc I've been looking at your post and it seems you are an expert on this matter, so I congratulate you... and thank you for your efforts. Maybe I could need your kind assistance in the future
Very nice! As phoenix tool is not working to add SLIC I can`t help you with that, but maybe someone else can... @BDMaster Thanks for the feedback. I`m new to BIOS modding but I`m a computer science student and have been coding in assembly and doing reverse engineering for some years, 2 weeks ago I bricked my notebook trying to mod my BIOS and got a motherboard replacement by Dell, since them I read and studied LOT of BIOS stuff, and sure, first thing I did after turning it on was trying again, this time with success, and now it is easy for me to mod them Thanks for your words
Isn`t it attached to the WLAN card? It would be normal if the stock hardware does not work anymore because basically I changed to if modified hardware == Works, if stock, don`t work, I tought that you were not interested in the stock WLAN card anymore
Oh ok, so, the stock one does not have built in bluetooth but the new has right? It may be driver issue or your notebook does not support bluetooth hardware at all, does it have 2 antennas wired to the wlan card?
If it boots it is a driver issue, can windows see the new bt card?? try looking for drivers and see in device manager if it gets detected... I can assure it is not a BIOS issue.
So I don`t know the cause... but it is not BIOS related because the only mod i did was to recognize your net wlan as valid, no changes on bluetooth stuff is needed... maybe a issue in the new card, can you test another?