S Sorry sir, You mean It can't mod or can't flashed after mod. Because I have hardware spi flash it back. Thank you.
I can modify it, and you can flash the mod using the SPI flash programmer, but mobo does not start because of the checks built into the BIOS.
as i said above, this bios cannot be modified : " ...but mobo does not start because of the security checks built into the BIOS." You can try these methods to remove security checks https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...e-viewer-and-editor.48979/page-18#post-996407
Hi Mr. Serg008 After I spend a times to google and read this forums.I can remove security & Flash it back without RSA sign problem A Laptop power on no problem .I modded it but still have Whitelist. The Bios files that you modded to me After I combine back a security module edit It not work So Please be advice me .May be somethings wrong.I'm beginner bios modified. What is the module will be edit? For remove Whitelist after use sed PhonenixTool 2.65 I used 8EEE35BE-AEDE (Error log).I search in this forum find Elitebook whitelist remove advice to change hex from 74 18 to EB 18, but my module no have it show EB 0D at the same address.My HP 8560W have error code 702 Wlan id still not solve. Thank you very much.
is there a way to roll back the bios on the elitebook 8560p?? i tried the windows key + b ut i get no where with it..