Thank you! I did the same with my Edge 11 for my new 6200 WiFi card. I think that the 6300 has three antenna jacks, though the Edge 11 has only 2 built-in antennas. How did you work around this?
To stop the beep-signal on boot, you need the BIOS to disable the following options: 1. Security chip - should be [Inactive] 2. Security reporting options - (if you have this option in section "Security") everything is [Disable] I also decided to issue a beep-! Sorry for my bad English
Hi there, may i ask you to help me out ?!? I just registered new, but i´m unable to post a query in the "BIOS whitelist removal" for HP mini 210... Are there some special rules which i have to accept first to be able to post ?!? Kind regards...
Hello, do You know if this midified BIOS also will work on HP mini 210-1000 ?!? The System-Board-ID (3660) is the same, but it don´t know if there are any more differences from 210-1000 to 210-1175NR... Thanks in advance...
HP mini 210-1000 BIOS mod Whitelist removal ?!? Hello folks, after reading nearly all of this thread, it´s not clear to me if i can use the BIOS posted in this thread (which is for the HP mini 210-1175 (or so))? Albeit the System Board Version is the same (3660), the BIOS which actual is running here is F.24 - the BIOs posted in the thread is F.23 - so i have no clue if its possible to use this BIOS to get rid of the whitelist. At the moment i´m waiting for any confirmation, because the risk of briking the HP mini 210-1000 is too high for me... Any ideas ?!? Thanks in advance !!!
Hi x86, thanks for reply ;-) As for now i did not find any related specific informations, i´ll do run the "RWEverything" thing... will take some time, as the harddisk of the HP mini 210 is completely empty so i have to install a Winx from USB first... Nevertheless, thanks in advance !!! Kind regards!