// Request Can you repeat the explanation in French Which languages do you speak? Answer : I already said i am good in reading almost any languae in my previous comment. pl read my comment again so that it will be clear to you .
i need help.Please someone help me about this code. how can i add select 1 or 2 like y/n. and then make activation.I want to use this code for activation.Sorry for my bad english @echo OFF %~dp0"Windows Loader.exe" /silent /preactivate cd %~dp0 attrib -R -A -S -H *.* SHUTDOWN /R /T 5 RMDIR /S /Q "%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts" exit
how to change my default wallpaper and Login Screen Background in windows 10 ISO : default wallpaper path : $OEM$\$$\MyPicture.jpg Registry code path: $OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts\SetWallpaper.reg Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; BMP, JPG, JPEG, PNG [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] "Wallpaper"="C:\\Windows\\web\\wallpaper\\MyPicture.jpg" "WallpaperStyle"="0" ; 0 = Center ; 1 = Tile ; 2 = Stretch ; 3 = Fit ; 4 = Fill ; 5 = Span ============= I used the registry, but after installing Windows on the VM, it did not change Is the registry code i used incorrect?
Looking forward to a better answer Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3 Choice - Accept user input - Windows CMD - SS64.com Set - Environment Variable - Windows CMD - SS64.com
Neither do I. You can try: Code: choice /c yn /m "Ativate Windows" if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 %~dp0"Windows Loader.exe" /silent /preactivate or Code: set /p activate="Ativate Windows (y/n)?" if %activate%==y %~dp0"Windows Loader.exe" /silent /preactivate
SET (being an internal command) is to be preferred over choice.exe (external command). The latter might not be available in all environments.
I've tried "choice" didn't work loader. Can you prepare with "set" for me i dont understand. I dont know how to do it.Thank you
Switch for idm correct or not ? Silent install Code: "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\idman627build5.exe" /skipdlgs
How do I add winrar activation (rarreg.key) inside Setupcomplete can sombody write the code please Code: @echo off "%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\Apps\winrar-x64-601d.exe" /S cd \ (goto) 2>nul&rd /s /q "%~dp0" del /q /f "%0"
Whay Whats the issue you are facing ? COPY "%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts\Apps\rarreg.key" "%ProgramFiles%\Winrar\rarreg.key" /V /Y Make Sure Correct path of Both Source as well as Destination.
last question Can this method be applied to all cracks ( IDM, startIsback++...ect ) ? ====== Thank you you are my hero, I learned a lot from you
Yes you can use the same copy command to copy files from source path to destination with /V /Y switches where /V means to cross verify whether file or copied or not & /Y to suppress overriting a file which already exists at destination path of same name. Most Welcome but i am just same user like you with very less knowledge in computers.
Hello All, First of all, I apologize if this question belongs to another thread, but what I would like to know is if W11 Enterprise has disabled setupcomplete.cmd, since I cannot make it work no matter how. Thanks in advance.
Yes... got it from Windows 11 SVF Repository thread. Only modification was that I exported Enterprise SKU, because of MS stating that the setting is disabled when using OEM keys, except Enterprise editions.