I'm not using OEM product keys. If oobe.cmd exists does the install just assume OEM product keys are being used and disables setupcomplete.cmd?
I do not know if it will help you but here is an example of my use Code: $$ Setup Files 7-Zip.exe Firefox.exe HashCheck.exe MPC-HC.exe Notepad++.exe Scripts Win32 key.cmd SppExtComObjHook.dll SvcTrigger.xml x64 SppExtComObjHook.dll DeCompile.exe MRPConfig.ini OEM's.7z OOBE.cmd setupcomplete.cmd WinTel.cmd for some tweak and theme: Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3 for activation: KMS_VL_ALL - Smart Activation Script (also works with s1ave77 method) for silent install I use SFXMaker by Iuli and/or Bat To Exe Converter by Fatih Kodak To know that some tweak and app needs to be installed when the user is logged in In this case I use the runonce registry key ex: Code: REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v Tweak_Reg /t REG_SZ /d "cmd.exe /c start /min %cd%\InstallInRunOnce.cmd ^& exit" Finally, to start all installations I paste the command below at the top of the setupcomplet script Code: for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b %WINDIR%\Setup\Files\*.exe') do ( "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\%%i" ) sorry for my google translation english
Hello, my english is not the best - So i am a beginner with this things. Meanwhile I have managed to create my own Win10Pro iso with Office2019 and all updates included. Now i tryed to include for example WinRAR. I place it the WinRar_v5.90d_64bit.exe in $OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts an i have this code in my SetupComplete.cmd: Code: @echo off call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" start /wait %WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\WinRar_v5.90d_64bit.exe /s del /q /f "%0" It works. Now my questions (Is it possible to do this after the installation of WinRAR?): Make a Desktopicon of WinRAR Copy my WinRAR-Theme "win7roger.theme.rar" to the folder "%APPDATA%\Roaming\WinRAR\Themes" Copy my WinRAR-INI "WinRAR.ini" to "Program Files\WinRAR" When yes, can sombody write the code pls?
Hi Try this all files must be in $OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts add this line in setupcomplete.cmd Code: reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v firstlogon /t REG_SZ /d %windir%\Setup\Scripts\firstlogon.cmd /f Create script firstlogon.cmd and add in this Code: cd %windir%\Setup\Scripts xcopy "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR\WinRAR.lnk" "%HOMEPATH%\Desktop" /q /r /k /y xcopy win7roger.theme.rar "%APPDATA%\WinRAR\Themes\" /q /r /k /y xcopy WinRAR.ini "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR" /q /r /k /y
@migascalp Thank you the code is working. I tested it in a VM and noticed that two things are wrong (my mistake *gg*). I need to extract the win7roger.theme.rar and then i have to copy the extrated folder "win7roger" to the %APPDATA%\WinRAR\Themes\. But i have to make the empty folder win7roger and to this i copy the win7roger folder with the files, that will make right folder like WinRAR\Themes\win7roger - if i use only the win7roger folder with the files in, it will not make the win7roger folder in WinRAR\Themes and copy the files included in the win7roger folder directly to WinRAR\Themes - hope you know what i mean ^^ Then i add Firefox and it works. The last program i want to add ist notepad++ but here is a Problem... ...during installation there is one restart, then comes up the windows logo, after a while the second restart, then the Installation hangs at "one moment please" ---> look at the screenshot attached. Here is how my code looks like at the moment (SetupComplete.cmd): Code: @echo off call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" start /wait %WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\WinRar_v5.90d_64bit.exe /s start /wait %WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\Firefox_Setup_75.0.exe /s start /wait %WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\npp.7.8.5.Installer.x64.exe /s reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v firstlogon /t REG_SZ /d %windir%\Setup\Scripts\firstlogon.cmd /f del /q /f "%0" And the (firstlogon.cmd): Code: cd %windir%\Setup\Scripts xcopy "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR\WinRAR.lnk" "%HOMEPATH%\Desktop" /q /r /k /y xcopy win7roger "%APPDATA%\WinRAR\Themes\" /s /q /r /k /y xcopy WinRAR.ini "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\" /q /r /k /y xcopy Notepad++ "%APPDATA%\" /s /q /r /k /y Did you see something wrong?
You most likely can not copy anything to "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\ as there are no permissions to do so or "%APPDATA%\" does not exist Hence it will stay there Try to do Ctrl+F10 or Alt+Tab & in Taskmgr see what "hangs" & most likely terminate cmd that runs firstlogon.cmd
Thx...problem was the Notepad++ - i removed this - don't need it... Another thing. The folder "win7roger" (see on the left in attached Screenshot) have to be copied with this code: "xcopy win7roger "%APPDATA%\WinRAR\Themes\" /s /q /r /k /y But it copy only the files from the folder "win7roger" (see in the middle in attached Screenshot). (How it should be (on the right in attached Screenshot)) I add "win7roger\": "xcopy win7roger "%APPDATA%\WinRAR\Themes\win7roger\" /s /q /r /k /y - i don't know if its right or clean code but it works.
try to use winrar from command line or convert rar to rar sfx look at the winrar manual look post of @s1ave77 it gives a lot of information on how to see also MS-DOS help and commands
Its all good with WinRAR it works now after the installation and thx for the link to MS-Dos help and commands - my english is not the best but i try it, maybe i'll find something in german.
The Future is now ;-) Ok step by step ^^ I integratet more Programs, so far so good. I can't get one thing done: Copy a Folder named "Icons" to the %WinDir% (C:\Windows). My Code: Code: xcopy Icons "%WinDir%\Icons\Icons\" /s /q /r /k /y What's wrong? ^^ ((\Icons\Icons\) because the same as WinRAR)
I look at it, but my english ^^ and i don't understand this so much. Thanks, i tried your code but it doesn't work. Alternatively i copy "Icons" to another path (not to WinDir).
My bad.Sorry The solution was in OP Just put the files and/or folders to copy in C:\Windows in the $$ folder I just tried it still works In my defense I have not used this method since Windows XP
No it is my... i'm realy sorry. I forgot to copy the icons folder into sources. So there was nothing to copy. Now it works with Code: xcopy icons "%WinDir%\icons\" /s /q /r /k /y
Thank you. Now I understand how can I create and configure the firstlogon.cmd and run it once the user profile is created. Will it be possible to integrate the HKCU registry entries through firslogon.cmd ?? Actually, it will be folder with registry entries, placed in the same Scripts folder as firstlogon.cmd
Strange, I can shutdown or restart, doesn't happen to me However signing out and signing back in does that.
Can you give me an example, how to import entire folder full of HKCU .reg files, if possible ? Or maybe how can I add them through command prompt. Your help is highly appreciated