Hi Freddie-o, i had two errors with Win10 Enterprise telemetry script with win 10 (19045.4412)! Or do I have to use a different script for this version(19045.4412)!?
This is awesome. Thanks. I used it with Windows 10 IoT LTSC 2021 (with CU 2024-06). Everything appears to be working great. I notice there are a lot of scheduled tasks remaining with status ready. I expected far fewer. This is still a fresh install. In DeviceDirectoryClient there are 11 tasks. (A Google search doesn't return any meaningful information.) Do you have or is there anything you recommend for all the scheduled tasks. Thanks. I somehow missed the link. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...lemetry-repository.63874/page-73#post-1723965
The disable_telemetry script(s) deletes scheduled tasks that I know are related only to Telemetry. Personally I leave the rest of the scheduled tasks alone.
Thanks, freddi-o. Some of them seem suspect to me. An example is a task which appears to be related to the new backup app. I don't want to back up anything to the cloud.
If there's anything you think has to do with telemetry/privacy that's missing from the script let me know
Is the following the line in the script you are referring to? reg add "HKLM\SOFTHIVE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\Deprovisioned\MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyewy" /f
I don't have LTSC 2019 to test on but the LTSC 2021 should work. If you get errors while disabling telemetry it will only be because the Registry key being deleted is not present in LTSC 2019
I'm encountering a boot loop which results in a "Why did my PC restart" blue screen. Using the latest Windows 11 Business 23H2 ISO from massgrave, I extract the Enterprise wim from that and modify with an unaltered Windows 11 Enterprise / Education 226x1 script. I run the script in a Windows 10 environment and it completes without errors. I do not alter the wim in any other way. Any suggestions?
Personally my main OS is Windows 10. Windows 11 is too locked down and buggy for me. Right now I'm dual booting between LTSC 2021 and Windows 10 Enterprise G
Lucky me As part of the process of elimination, I extracted the specific Enterprise WIM then rebuilt it to ISO without modification and it installed successfully so it's not a result of erroneous offline servicing methodology. The problem only occurs when I modify the WIM with your script. I then tried the 26100 version of the script instead of the 226x1 with the same result of failure to install. I'll sleep on it, maybe a solution will materialize. Thanks for you reply.
It's with great reluctance I'm moving to Windows 11, then there's Windows 10 EOL to consider and the nightmare sure to ensue beyond that. This Windows 11 leaks like a sieve.
@Sorter See if this fixes the problem Add it to the script before unmounting the wim Mount your Enterprise ISO while running the script Change "Source:wim:x:" to your mounted ISO's drive letter Code: rem == repair image == dism /scratchdir:temp /image:mount /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:x:\sources\install.wim:1 /limitaccess