Do you mean the original untouched multi version business ISO from massgrave? Add it to the script before this line? Code: rem == unmount wim == dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:mount /commit
Yeah, see if it fixes it I use this on my scripts before unmounting the Wim Code: rem == remove all superseded versions in the component store and repair image == dism /scratchdir:temp /image:mount /cleanup-image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase dism /scratchdir:temp /image:mount /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:I:\sources\install.wim:1 /limitaccess rem == unmount wim == dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:mount /commit I use a 22621.1 ISO from UUP dump though and update it before disabling telelemetry
After doing this offline, do I have to use the install.wim back in the ISO before installation, or I'm I getting this wrong?
Hey freddie, didn't work. I'll try adding both lines: Code: rem == remove all superseded versions in the component store and repair image == dism /scratchdir:temp /image:mount /cleanup-image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase dism /scratchdir:temp /image:mount /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:I:\sources\install.wim:1 /limitaccess Using ISO from massgrave and not UUP dump shouldn't make any difference? I didn't update it yet just trying to make it work first.
"cleanup-image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase" only removes the old versions of updated components. "Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" I thought might fix the error If you still get BSOD. If you want, "as part of the process of elimination", you can try another ISO like from UUP dump
Thank you for the response- if i understand this peoperly, I will have to omit your script without "unattend.xml", too ?, not so?
Just remove these lines from the script Code: rem == delete telemetry scheduled tasks == reg delete "HKLM\SOFTHIVE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\CloudExperienceHost" /f rem == prevent SystemApps from getting deployed == CloudExperienceHost rem == keep disabled apps from returning == reg add "HKLM\SOFTHIVE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\Deprovisioned\Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy" /f rem == delete telemetry services == rem == logging and tracing == reg delete "HKLM\SYSHIVE\ControlSet001\Services\dmwappushservice" /f rem == windows diagnostics == reg delete "HKLM\SYSHIVE\ControlSet001\Services\DiagTrack" /f rem == create panther folder and add unnatend.xml == mkdir mount\Windows\Panther copy /y unattend.xml mount\Windows\Panther
I did this, left out "unattend.xml", but on installation, it asks for username, password, then security questions. Going ahead, one gets an error "something went wrong" and it doesn't go any further with the installation. Maybe there is something to do with the "unattend.xml",
How does it have to do with "unattend.xml"? if you left it out Did you remove these lines from the script? What edition? Untouched?
My install.wim successfully got finished without any errors, but got stuck on the password "section" or window on installation. I will give it another trail, nevertheless. Thank you for your input-much appreciated /EDIT reused the remove script you updated and all worked flawless. I don't have Windows update, but I can do this manually Best regards
Tried an ISO from UUP dump same result, must be an error in my procedure. After you modify the wim, what is your process for creating install media?
I don't know why the error if you used and untouched ISO and my (unmodified) script I use "oscdimg.exe" from Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK)