Do you know how to install the “bundle.msixbundle” offline in your version of the script for Win 10 LTSC 2021?
The batch file "disable_telemetry.cmd" cannot add some registry entries beacese the louded hive file has some system permission set and the Administrator has only read permission.
Which keys? I haven't encountered yet not being able to add-remove entries. Did you use the "run_as_trustedinstaller" script (with PowerRun)?
If you have to have this TranslucentTB appx then you probably should use another method to disable telemetry. My script disables so much that you might not be able to install it and/or make it work
Some registry entries can only be modified as trustedinstaller Like this for example. You have to open the Registry as trustedinstaller
hi, i've used your script with last 10 enterprise eval iso ( and quick assist isn't working.
i've installed quick assist with add-appxprovisionedpackage. quick assist is also in windows accessories. the one from accessories runs, but is not able to get or help someone. the one from appx doesn't want to run (i've installed dependencies too - vclibs14). i've installed also webview 2 which is required for quick assist.
after using script with for example 19045 enterpriseg, 19045 education or 19044 ltsc (all with latest updates), there are messages in mas activator: checking probable malware infection [windows update registry is corrupt]
Most probably because disable_telemetry script disables Windows update. But it was successfully activated?
Thank you for great script. I used and everything went fine in Windows 10 and also 11 but ... Finally Windows 10/11 look normal without these garbage. If I could leave Windows updates and search option features in Windows 11 what I can avoid to be executed in the script? The same applies for Microsoft Store, I would like only keep it, just in case if I need something. really great job I really appreciate
What you can do is modify the script and just remove the lines you don't want to disable or remove The script has remarks (comments) on what is being disabled or removed
How to achieve this for Education sku? I'll do this iso: en-us_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_22h2_updated_aug_2024_x64_dvd_2454bb57.iso