It should work for you. You just need to know how to configure it and it'll work great. I've got it active right now. You can form a custom blocklist by using something something like Wireshark or TCPView. You'll also want to block HTTP since port 443 is used a lot. FYI the current thread at MDL on the subject is missing a lot of entries so far. If you use that list then you'll find that explorer will keep connecting to an IP range.
I just made that list in a hurry without any investigation at all. I simply took all the different hostfiles and checked the IPs of the domains. You are free to fix it, I am a lazy bastard.
Code: schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\NetTrace\GatherNetworkInfo" /Disableschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\PI\Sqm-Tasks" /Disable Gave me an error because /change was used twice. Should be 2 lines. Code: schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\NetTrace\GatherNetworkInfo" /Disable schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\PI\Sqm-Tasks" /Disable and... Code: schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Shell\FamilySafetyUpload" /Disable schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent" /Disable Were not found on my system. I am using Windows 10 Pro x64.
Thanks for your answer. It's configured for my own need and I would say correctly! HTTP could not blocked at all or I could lock down my Company and look for an new Job because I need normal Internet connection workig to 100%! As an professional Programmer specialised in such field we talking about here, you should know that, if you really would block access to sudden destination and really control in- and outgoing traffic, you could do so only via an solution and an different system! I use my Home Computers for to test all such apps, Tweaks, Hacks or whatsoever. In my Office and on the workplaces of our customers we use Smoothwall with great success and without serious breaches for years already. Just, if I would use Smoothwall at my home, I wouldn't be able to many of such testings I could do on an 'un-protected' system! Un-protected in that regard didn't mean not any security apps, just not use Smoothwall. I may will try an low level configured Smoothwall at home some time in the next few days, to see how the outcome will be ion an system which didn't need such high security as in my offices and workplaces! I'll get in an few weeks a nes Internet Fibre Optic Connection and that will the time the new testings will start. Till then, PeerBlock will be uninstalled (because the used own Block List didn't works as it should) and I'll 'play with other solutions. I'm more interested fo 'see' how windows will bypass my efforts which will working in Smoothwall very well!
If you are to use HOSTS block trick, make sure you disable 'DNS Client' service and restart (disable and re-enable) your Ethernet/Wireless adapter, it works for me.
That's why I'm trying to build and optimize my own list. Ports 80 and 443 block against specific addresses, so I can still access Microsoft websites. I'm specifically targeting data logging within Windows 10 only. I don't see the point in blocking the store, Windows updates or every possible Microsoft address. And I know that it can take a while to build a reliable list, but I don't want to butcher system files, services or the registry. I'd rather let others go down that route. If you were to import the Microsoft blocklist that I linked to then that's rather aggressive. You wouldn't be able to connect to Microsoft websites if you used that, but keep in mind that you can then just whitelist a specific address if you're having any issues.
Thats exactly the list I'm waiting for to block on my router and leave the OS untouched for the most part. I see no point in blocking skype, hotmail, msn etc. just windows 10 tracking IP's is perfect.
As I wrote already, I would prefer a solution on a system, in my case Smoothwall! Reason for that are easy: I still afraid the Microsoft will have way's for to disable/bypass/unlock or whatsoever any apps which (try to) disable work and services from their own application to gather and capture any info's from the customers computer's! That I get problems already with PerBlock to still access list blocked IP's, is also some reason more not to use it further on. With my company we working with very confidential data of our customers and couldn't allow to use software which 'opens' the way for apps and such users! That's also the reason that we didn't upgrade any of our customers (and or own Office) computers to Winn dows 10 yet. That will not be done before I'd installed the latest version of Smoothwall Express on the new Internet Fibre Optic Connection I'll get at my home in a few weeks. As done all times, I'll first probe the new version with a new and extended config at my home system before installing on customers Smoothwall Computers. As we run the whole security and protection over the Smoothwall computers, we've to wait with the upgrade of the workstation computers. in about a month, all of our customers computers will get the update after the new Smoothwall Computers are set and running securely already.
I currently use Unbound DNS: Code: Instead of the OS service (DNS client service is disabled). The configuration for Unbound supports blocking in the form: Code: local-zone: "domain name" redirect local-data: "domain name A" This is a viable alternative to using the standard hosts file, it also supports DNSSEC and can be used with DNSCrypt Another alternative, for those with routers that support third-party firmware (Tomato, OpenWrt, dd-wrt etc., which I'm looking at, is dnsmasq. here's an example: Code: