Thanks for that info, good to know, as it may be apparent, i know nothing about the tech behind all of this. But also do not put it past MS to try and get their hands on everything including your first born.
They didn't provide any proof about this. All of the websites are quoting the fake information from the bad source. The third link is correct but it doesn't actually say what the first 2 links said.
IMHO, none of these programs can prevent sending anonymous data and screenshots to M$ servers since those registry settings are nothing to do with data transmission.
Group Policy Haven't done a ton of tweaking as of yet, but decided to go through the group policy editor and peek around for a few settings that may be of interest. My buddy also sent a list of a few polices, although most of them were error and trouble shooting polices which I don't necessarily have a problem with, but each to their own. Some of these may have already been disable/enable via the various programs floating around so they may be redundant. Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>All Settings Spoiler Allow Cortana Allow Input Personalization Allow search and Cortana to use location Allow Telemetry Allow the Use of Biometrics Always send do not track header Computer Location Configure Scenario Execution Level (5) Disable pre-release features or settings Disable Windows Error Reporting Do Not Allow Web search Do not automatically start Windows Messenger Do Not send additional data Do Not send error report generic driver Don't search the web or display web results in search Enable/Diable Perftrack Join Microsoft Maps Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: configure executive level Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: restrict tool download Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool: Turn on MSDT interactive communication with Support Provider Prevent Customer Experience Improvement Program Prevent Windows from sending an error report when a device driver requests additional software during installation Prevent Windows Media DRM Send additional data while on battery power Send File sample when further analysis is required set what information is shared in search Troubleshooting: Allow users to access online troubleshooting content on Microsoft servers from the Troubleshooting Control Panel (via Windows Online Troubleshooting Service – WOTS) Turn off access to the store Turn off advertising ID Turn off application telemetry Turn off Browser Gelocation Turn off collection of Inprivate filtering data Turn off Customer Experience Improvement Program Turn off Desktop gadgets Turn off downloading of game information Turn off Game updates Turn off handwriting recognition error reporting Turn off inprivate Browsing turn off inprivate browsing Turn off Inprivate filtering Turn off Inventory Collector turn off location Turn off Steps recorder Turn Off tracking of last play time of games in games folder Windows error Reporting USER CONFIGURATION> ADMINISTRATIVE TEMPLATES>ALL SETTINGS Spoiler Do not send additional data Disable Windows Error reporting Prevent Customer Experience Improvement Program Prevent Music file media informational retrieval Send additional data while on battery power Turn off location Turn off access to the store Turn off desktop Gadgets Turn off Tracking of App usage Turn off inprivate filtering Turn off inprivate browsing Turn off user tracking
Windows 10 telemetry final solution? (For advanced members only) Spoiler Hint_00: filterKeys, providerKey, layerKeys, subLayerKeys, fieldKeys Hint_01: providerKey={decc16ca-3f33-4346-be1e-8fb4ae0f3d62}
IMHO, none of what you say is true because you clearly don't understand how computers work. ...Except that it isn't just "IMHO", it's absolute demonstrable undeniable fact that these work. And there is sod all that prevents you or anyone else from checking for yourselves bar laziness and willful, chosen ignorance.
@ Shewolf - I ran your script for disabling telemetry but after a windows restart I noticed that feedback reminders are still on. I ran O&O ShutUp10 and shut them both down using the program. Rebooted again and they're on again. Is there any way to shut those down permanently? I'm running Windows 10 Pro x64 BTW: I have great respect for what you guys are doing here! It's way out of my league and don't understand anybody giving you guys crap EDIT: shutting them down finally worked; feedback reminders stay off
How could hosts file blocking block telemetry, when it can't even block a simple non secure website? I just tried blocking, which does not use http(s) - cleared my DNS cache, deleted and removed cookies etc from firefox Loaded neowin, and it loaded fine What's the point in the hosts file if it does nothing? EDIT - Worked it out, you need to add two entries, one with www. and one without
Ummm, maybe because all the disable 10 spying apps I see being released, add many telemetry URLs to the hosts file? Maybe that's why? Maybe?
Unfortunately and some other Visual Studio related webservers also fall under that IP range...
What's the point of doing all this when you can simply change the cloud option? You're likely to fill your system with event errors doing this.