Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Yen, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. hoak

    hoak MDL Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    #921 hoak, Oct 28, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
    That's interesting slayer9450 what did he use to pack the cmd file into an exe, and what did you do to extract it, or does it auto extract at run?

    Probably put a lot of work into it, and didn't want it hijacked like so many project here and MDL have been. I may be mistaken but it looks like there may be more to the exe then just being a container for the CMD file, can't tell what it was compiled with so hard to tell...

    You're not reading what I wrote, and your two rules for your version of 'trust' aren't the only options, and as standards are ridiculous applied to Windows -- as the OS itself doesn't even come close to meeting your criterion.

    As I said, I ran Blackbird in a VM sandboxed. I also ran Mark Russinovich's RegMon and FileMon utilities to see what it did -- there was nothing subversive that I could ascertain.

    It's not a guarantee of absolute 100% trustworthiness but then what is? I doubt you can tear down and run diagnostics on a Pratt & Whitney JT8D engine, or are going to do that every time you fly on a commercial airliner -- yet you 'trust' the engines...

  2. andrey99999

    andrey99999 MDL Novice

    Oct 21, 2018
    trust me, this is protection only for noobs

    If you were running the filemon you would not have asked such questions.
    The question was rhetorical))

    I am too lazy to write for a long time))), if in short this is not a correct comparison.
  3. hoak

    hoak MDL Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    #923 hoak, Oct 28, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
    Why would anyone 'trust' you? You're a petty and rude Troll, there's nothing sincere, constructive or helpful in any of your posts on the forums yet. I just ran FileMon and RegMon again (see below) and the exe does more then just operate as a wrapper; it allows for the passing of parameters you can't easily do with batch script.

    What questions?

    So you admit you're trolling -- really this isn't the thread or even forum for this maybe you should go back to 4chan, and just leave...

    More trolling...

    Back on topic, I ran RegMon and FileMon on Blackbird again as I wasn't really looking at how the program worked the first time, just what it did to a Windows installation -- and it does extract a batch file called "D3EB.bat" to a temporary directory, I also think Blackbird's Author is using Fatih Kodak's Bat To Exe (or a compiler like it) so he can pass command line parameters as well as make the application more accessible and secure to users not fluent in programing (most users) or Windows internals.
  4. andrey99999

    andrey99999 MDL Novice

    Oct 21, 2018

    And it turns out that this is a script.

    I am too lazy to write for a long time))), if in short this is not a correct comparison.

    too many quotes

    I lost interest in the conversation

    When you died, you do not know about it, only to others is difficult. It's the same when you're stupid ...

  5. hoak

    hoak MDL Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    Speaking from experience, or just another ad hominen attack rather then trying to be constructive? If you'd make an honest effort to read what you're responding to you'd see you lost your way, or think you're far more clever then you are -- in any case good luck with that and all it achieves...
  6. ricktendo64

    ricktendo64 MDL Expert

    Apr 20, 2008
    You install it on a raspberry pi (hence the name pi-hole,) or synology nas, or ubuntu, or debian, or other linux distro. Then you have to setup you router with the local pi-hole IP address and use google DNS as a secondary DNS server in case your pi-hole is offline.
  7. hoak

    hoak MDL Member

    Nov 13, 2009
  8. Dymblos

    Dymblos MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2013
    the first post will be updates? there is a lot of recent info about the telemetry in some post that can be add in the main post :)
  9. Ticked

    Ticked MDL Novice

    Oct 3, 2018
    Alright so I ran the Optimize-Offline script on LTSC 2019 Windows 10, and now I'm wondering if there's added value in using the Blackbird program on top of this install? Additionally, whether there's any point in following the FDossena privacy guide for 1809? Thanks.
  10. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    Is on schedule, still collecting ...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. mydl23leech

    mydl23leech MDL Novice

    Jun 30, 2015
    What do you guys think about Destroy-Windows-10-Spying? It's opensource.
  12. hoak

    hoak MDL Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    #934 hoak, Dec 1, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
    The Veterans here will criticize all the applications on the lists at the front of the thread as having shortfalls, and they're right; all these applications have limitations where their Developers made choices between ease of use, crimps put in default features and functions offered in Windows some might not like, and the amount of data or telemetry that leaks.

    As well, there are circumstances any approach to securing Windows telemetry (and privacy) will leak, even done manually. If you want to be 100% secure the only way out is not to connect to the Internet, or doing that never use a CSS OS like Windows, and even here a secured OS like BSD while still not 100% will be orders of magnitude more secure...

    If you're just looking for a Pareto's Principle 80% of the results for 20% of the effort solution, then the application approach is fine, but here I'd recommend you look at what's most up to date, and what has demonstrated to offer best third party leak analysis. Presently (at the time I'm posting this) BlackBird and O&O ShutUp10 lead, with BlackBird being the most up to date, curtailing more telemetry, the most feature complete and offering the most control granularity.
  13. Papupata

    Papupata MDL Novice

    Apr 17, 2018
    #935 Papupata, Dec 9, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
    Does anybody else have problems with Settings menu on Windows 10 when using Blackbird? I can't access to the Devices, it just closes immediately after opening, and I can't add any bluetooth devices. I tried using the -i switch, but that don't do anything.
  14. Ashantiel

    Ashantiel MDL Novice

    Dec 9, 2018
    I have no expirience with Windows 10 at all (using Win7 all time). But for some reasons, I will have to build one pc in time, and I will need Windows 10 there. So, after some searching and informing myself on how to get away with Win10 telemetry, I found Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019. As I remember from reading about it, it is free from Win10 "spyware features", and telemetry "can be turned off like in enterprise version". Of course, I will get my self to search all useful informtion here how to completely get rid of telemetry (if possible). I'm not in rush, I have time in next period to experiment.

    For now it is enough if you people can direct me, would using of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 be good starting point?

    I will now try to install it on one spare ssd, just to try and test it and further experiment.

  15. enduromoto

    enduromoto MDL Novice

    Dec 22, 2017
    #939 enduromoto, Dec 12, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
    Hello. I've installed Windows 10 Pro 1809 on my PC and want to get rid of pre-installed crap. I would run a PowerShell command to get the app list and remove apps which I find are not useful for me. The thing is, I've read that deleting some apps can cause the OS to not work right and have issues with updates.

    Is there a list or something somewhere that can tell me what pre-installed apps must not be removed in order to keep the OS functioning as it should? I have already disabled Cortana and some telemetry through Group Policy Editor, so I'm okay with having some pre-installed apps as long as I'm able to disable them.
  16. piercekalton

    piercekalton MDL Senior Member

    Apr 2, 2010
    install all of them. and see what happens why do u really care? the MS service agreement is VERY clear. just tell them u are talk to the guy who wrote the Kernel and if he's dead you'll talk to his children.