It's easier here. There is no need to block addresses that are constantly changing. It's easier in Pfsense to block by GeoIP 90% of the globe and everything is OK. Keeping 10% of the open space + forums.mydigitallife
I don't believe I will, but feel free to edit BlockList.txt and enter whatever IP address you need to block.
LoL that's the point that's why I asked, how I know what ips I need to block. Adding ips or ranges is easy.
Boss but still msftncsi & dns.msftncsi cant be blocked via any of procedure but only via hext dnsapi.dll the correct way or else router staefull firewall logs will say connection success to both even we apply anything to os either software firewall or either hosts or anything else.
Cough !! ...... or we do what i said before someone started to be a clever dick ........ and use a second computer / Raspberry Pi as a router ....... and block what we want with a Pi Hole or similar ........ and watch whats going in and out with it
# Updates will only occur when the list changes so please check the Data Published date. # no need PC over PC/raspberry PI, no myths and legend, no mystery, just firewall.
1 - Can you prove that theres no hard coded links / link posibilitys in win 10 ? = No 2 - Does proving that some IP adresses can be blocked with a firewall ........ when a user trys to get into the net ...... prove tjhat the system cant do it ? = No 3 - Your router IS a computer ......... wether itsa raspberry pi or not . ....... and ........ a raspberry pi is about the same price as a good router .......... but one can do much more with it 4 - The only way to porve whats going in and out is to do it from a different computer . ....... and even then you can only prove what its done and not done ........ but not what it can do . 5 -Can microsoft and its products be trusted !?!?!!!! = No 6 - If we do it the way i said we have control and can definately block IPs and be sure .
Nowhere does it say that it is forbidden to make mistakes. New Blok List, these IPs are blocked (,, they cover blocking M$'s telemetry only, you are free to visit other Microsoft's page.