It's in the script I never mentioned to run as admin. It's more reliable to modify the registry as TrustedInstaller
Right. I did mention Enterprise in the post AllowTelemetry "0" works on Server too And Pro Education Not even EnterpriseG can set Telemetry to 0
@LineairVFX my batch script is used to modify an (install.wim) image before you install Windows. Because some registry tweaks will not work once Windows is already installed. Maybe start with the basics first that you can apply to an already installed Windows OS in the 1st page of this thread.
Guys, over three years have passed since the discovery this upfc.exe. Is no one for all the time did not find tweaks how to disable it? I can only completely delete it. But it violates the integrity of the system and sfc /scannow can restore it. How can I do so that upfc.exe does not restore my registry tweaks by defaults?
Most of them related to the windows updates and its components. upfc.exe simply sets out from time to time the default registry branches and can even restore completely deleted (like WaasMedic).
Has there been any confirmation that this part of line is safe? My experience with LTSC 2019 removing dmwappushservice is getting stuck in the oobe phase of installation. Wanna to try to fix it under dos, but the service has been deleted.
can anybody confirm that on win10 LTSC 2021 19044 the setting in gpedit still exist? 'allow telemetry' i only have 3 settings and allow telemetry is not there
Hi, can someone tell me what is the best way to stop all communication and subliminal data from Windows!? Best with script? Is there already something mature? Practically like Windows 7
No script will help to stop telemetry (data collection) It's already been written about this before - do you either use Windows and agree to have everything known about you? Or use the alternative of Linux - Unix - Dandy ) Windows is all written in kernel code and even if everything is visually turned off, data collection is going on full peer to peer, P2P so TCP\UDP is not used and you won't notice your traffic going out! Believe me, we already in winds 11 deleted and replaced everything, napalm burned - from 4 gigs of distribution remained 700 megabytes - still this virus sends something! People say. What's the big deal about letting them see what's on my computer? It's Microsoft, isn't it? That's another way of putting it. You sit at home, and every hour, strangers come over, look at something in your apartment, and then they leave? And it repeats every day! You go to the police - the police say so it's Microsoft, and you signed and agreed to the use of your data, your property, permission to use your organs after death! Linux is a bad way to go too! Do you know how much Linus Benedict Torvalds received millions from Beale-Microsoft? More than 100 million the first time since 2004 and 10 million every season!
Yes you can if you dont worry about sfc scans integrity violations , dism component store corruptions , shut down or reboot errors , file explorer errors , syatemsettings wont open in any scenario =======> 21H2 the damn hell bull s**t win10 build. LTSB 2016 Always win in every scenario . The best of the best then Awesome.
@echo off rem == create mount and scratch folders == mkdir mount mkdir temp rem == mount install.wim == dism /mount-wim /wimfile:install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:mount .......... It doesn't work for me, I get here a "The system cannot find the file specified" error If I specify the full path, for example Code: dism /mount-wim /wimfile:D:\test_21H2_ltsc\install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:D:\test_21H2_ltsc\mount then I can mount the image... what ideas? i tried on windows 1809 (17763.2366) x64
Put all files in one folder * It is advisable to put this folder at the root of the drive/partiton * Install.wim must only have one (1) edition/sku/index Update: PowerRun 1.7 now restricts Cmd parameter usage by default. You will need to "Allow Command Line" first before running the run_as_trustedinstaller script. Spoiler Click "run_as_trustedinstaller.cmd" (to execute "disable_telemetry.cmd" as TrustedInstaller)
I updated the post "disable_telemetry.bat" creates a panther folder and adds unnatend.xml to the install.wim