Hi Freddie, this software really works really well! Great tip! I have another question regarding update: I installed the latest updates SSU and so on... But with NDP48 comes the following error 0x800706be Do you have any idea what this error is??? Internet Connection?? Thanks....
No errors here Are you adding a cab package? (Der Remoteprozeduraufruf ist fehlgeschl) remote procedure
I tried it again, now it worked wondrously. I actually only disabled Symantec Endpoint during the installation. Probably that was the reason. Last time nothing else was different, except that Symantec Endpoint was enabled!
No. On a live system some registry keys and apps are being used/running and cannot be modified or deleted
Doable you just have to modify the script But the best scenario is disabling telemetry offline before installing Windows and connecting to the internet I even take it a step further and install Internet Security and configure my Firewall first before connecting to the internet https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...lemetry-repository.63874/page-73#post-1724179
Well I use CMGE policy and remove irisservice on 22000. Everything works fine and fiddler shows no connection anywhere except downloads of root certificates, which also happens in official CMGE image.
If you really want to "disable" telemetry, best editions are Server, LTSC, Enterprise and Education You can set Telemetry to 0 With other editions/skus, (Required) Basic telemetry is still collected
Not with Cmge custom policy. It includes an admx file and LGPO policy and disabling a lot of services. Tested with fiddler2, no telementry detected.