... I guess this is the proper thread to post this in. I use WFC (Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control) which I set to block everything at every reboot, Yet M$ is somehow able to circumvent these instructions with every upgrade (firewall is ON instead of OFF).. they also bypass a lot of firewall rules by simply renaming files (you block .1, they simply rename it to .2)
freddie And where to download these most correct LCU packages, so that without errors. And as I understand it, they are intended for an already installed Windows 10/11 system. thank you.
is there any solution for standby memory in NT10 OS. For Performance with very less Telemetry its the only one thing left. Theres no way a user can get 100% telemetry free OS even linux too. Every tweaker found for NT10 OS does the same thing as some remove telemetry registry keys & some others tweak same registry with there dword or string data values. messing too much with registry to get rid of telemetry results in poor performance. so leave telemetry as it is if you want good performance of microsoft os on your hardware. just removing bloatware & setting privacy app permissions in settings panel is good to go or if performance doesnt matter then go ahead & tweak as much as anybody can.
No such thing as 100% telemetry free but Disabling telemetry + Hardening the firewall = Pretty good privacy + Security Disabling telemetry (should) improve performance (although that's not why we disable telemetry) because it disables a lot of processes running in the background (monitoring, studying, logging, tracing, diagnosing, reporting, etc)... as long as you know what you are doing and not break anything in the OS.
There are some differences between Windows 10 & 11 but I use it with a few modifications, such as, I do not remove Paint, Notepad, Calculator and Terminal Store apps.