Sounds better . Do as you like, i will quit for 'today' soon and check in tomorrow. You should test the OEM Process itself, the rest should work and will be extendable .
@s1ave77 A glitch, so to speak because I believe is a matter of editing scripts, found so far: Spoiler I believe it's a problem with cerberus' OEM Project script when merged to boottask.cmd Do you want to handle this or should I ask him?
Seems so ... might be good to ask him, as he should know best, when theme should be applied. Guess there's a wrong expression for it in current code.
The fact that the oem project works by itself means there is no problem with the oem project that I have been working on. There is a conflict with the boottask.cmd. I would go over the script in detail for the boottask.cmd to find the issue. Send me your boottask.cmd so I can look at it...(nothing has been edited by me from the original code for the multi oem project regarding theming).
boottask.cmd: Code: @echo off setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION pushd "%~dp0" cd %~dp0 ::=============================================================================================================== ::OEM BRANDING :Choice1 set file=%temp%\messagebox.vbs echo set args=WScript.Arguments >%file% echo wscript.quit MsgBox(Replace(Replace(args.item(1),"{cr}",vbNewLine,1,-1,1),"{qt}",Chr(34),1,-1,1),args.item(2),args.item(0)) >>%file% %file% "BootTask" "Run OEM Branding ?" 4 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 6 del /s /q %file% >nul && call :OEMBranding IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 7 del /s /q %file% >nul && call :Choice2 :OEMBranding cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo OEM BRANDING echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: 'OOBE.cmd' -> 'Windows 10' • 'Windows 8.x' • 'Windows 7' • 'Windows Vista' : Nov 18|2014 : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SET EDITION=&SET CSNAME=&SET CSVENDOR=&SET SYSMODEL=&SET SYSMNF=&SET BASEPRO=&SET BASEMNF=&SET BIOVER=&SET MAN=DEFAULT&SET MAN2=&SET PIDKEY=&SET REALMAN=&SET WINVER=&SET INFO=INFO&SET LAST=LAST&SET INL=IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1&SET RESLN=&SET SLIC=SLIC SET OEMS=%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini&SET RQR1=REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "ProductName"&SET RQR2=REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "EditionId" :OS ::check • set 'Windows OS' -> '10|8.x|7|Vista' ('findstr' -> word start|end '\<','\>') ::%RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<PREVIEW\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=10&goto :BIOS ::%RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<10\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=10&goto :BIOS ::%RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<8\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=8&goto :BIOS ::%RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<7\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=7&goto :EDITION ::%RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<VISTA\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=VISTA&goto :EDITION :EDITION ::check • set 'Windows Edition' -> 'ULTIMATE|BUSINESS|PROFESSIONAL|HOMEPREMIUM|HOMEBASIC|STARTER' ('findstr' -> word start|end '\<','\>') %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<ULTIMATE\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=ULTIMATE&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<BUSINESS\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=BUSINESS&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<PROFESSIONAL\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=PROFESSIONAL&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<HOMEPREMIUM\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=HOMEPREMIUM&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<HOMEBASIC\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=HOMEBASIC&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<STARTER\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=STARTER&goto :BIOS :BIOS ::check • set 'Manufacturer Name' from 'CSPRODUCT|COMPUTERSYSTEM|BASEBOARD|BIOS' ID's -> filter 'results' via oemscan.ini for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC CSPRODUCT GET NAME /format:list"') do %INL% (set CSNAME=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC CSPRODUCT GET VENDOR /format:list"') do %INL% (set CSVENDOR=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC COMPUTERSYSTEM GET MODEL /format:list"') do %INL% (set SYSMODEL=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC COMPUTERSYSTEM GET MANUFACTURER /format:list"') do %INL% (set SYSMNF=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC BASEBOARD GET PRODUCT /format:list"') do %INL% (set BASEPRO=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC BASEBOARD GET MANUFACTURER /format:list"') do %INL% (set BASEMNF=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%A in ('"WMIC BIOS GET VERSION /format:list"') do %INL% (set BIOVER=%%A) :FILTER ::check • filter 'results' ('findstr' specific list order -> word start|end '\<','\>') -> by-pass 'void|conflict' entries SET VOID1=To Be Filled By O.E.M.&SET VOID2=System Product Name&SET VOID3=System manufacturer&SET VOID4=Base Board Product Name&SET VOID5=Intel Corporation :CHECK1 IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK2) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK2) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK2) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK2) else IF DEFINED VOID5 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID5%" (goto :CHECK2) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%CSNAME%%"') do %INL% (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK2 IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK3) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK3) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK3) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK3) else IF DEFINED VOID5 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID5%" (goto :CHECK3) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%SYSMODEL%%"') do %INL% (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK3 IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK4) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK4) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK4) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK4) else IF DEFINED VOID5 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID5%" (goto :CHECK4) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%BASEPRO%%"') do %INL% (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK4 IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK5) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK5) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK5) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK5) else IF DEFINED VOID5 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID5%" (goto :CHECK5) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%CSVENDOR%%"') do %INL% (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK5 IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK6) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK6) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK6) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK6) else IF DEFINED VOID5 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID5%" (goto :CHECK6) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%SYSMNF%%"') do %INL% (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK6 IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%BIOVER%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECKOUT) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%BIOVER%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECKOUT) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%BIOVER%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECKOUT) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%BIOVER%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECKOUT) else IF DEFINED VOID5 IF /I "%BIOVER%"=="%VOID5%" (goto :CHECKOUT) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%SLIC%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%BIOVER%%\>"') do %INL% (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECKOUT REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation" /v "SystemProductName" | findstr /I "\<VMware\>" >nul&&%INL% goto :SETKEY REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation" /v "SystemProductName" | findstr /I "\<VirtualBox\>" >nul&&%INL% goto :SETKEY IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%BASEMNF%%"') do %INL% (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :SETKEY ::set 'genuine' activation -> use bios version id (if detected), bios may be modded|shared (ie.'Dell PC' - bios mod 'ACRSYS-Acer'; etc) -> ('findstr' -> word start|end '\<','\>') IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%SLIC%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%BIOVER%%\>"') do (set MAN2=%%c) IF /I "%MAN%"=="DEFAULT" REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation" /v "SystemProductName" | findstr /I "\<VMware\>" >nul&&%INL% SET MAN=VMWARE IF /I "%MAN%"=="DEFAULT" REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation" /v "SystemProductName" | findstr /I "\<VirtualBox\>" >nul&&%INL% SET MAN=VBOX IF /I "%MAN2%"=="GATEWAY" IF /I "%MAN%"=="EMACHINES" SET MAN2=EMACHINES&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="ACER" IF /I "%MAN%"=="EMACHINES" SET MAN2=EMACHINES&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="ACER" IF /I "%MAN%"=="GATEWAY" SET MAN2=GATEWAY&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="ACER" IF /I "%MAN%"=="PBELL" SET MAN2=PBELL&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="HP" IF /I "%MAN%"=="COMPAQ" SET MAN2=COMPAQ&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="LENOVO" IF /I "%MAN%"=="IBM" SET MAN2=IBM&goto :SERIAL IF NOT DEFINED MAN2 SET MAN2=%MAN%&goto :SERIAL :SERIAL ::scan 'oemscan.ini' once with the provided 'Manufacturer|OS|Edition' -> if not matched, set the manufacturer (serial) to 'DEFAULTOEM' (Acer) & try again -> ('findstr' -> word start|end '\<','\>') IF /I "%WINVER%"=="10" GOTO :WIN810 IF /I "%WINVER%"=="8" GOTO :WIN810 IF NOT DEFINED WINVER GOTO :BRANDING IF NOT DEFINED EDITION GOTO :BRANDING IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%EDITION%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%\>"') do (echo %%a | findstr /I "\<%WINVER%\>" >nul &&%INL% set PIDKEY=%%d) IF NOT DEFINED PIDKEY set REALMAN=%MAN2%&set MAN2=DEFAULTOEM&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="DEFAULTOEM" set MAN2=%REALMAN% :ACTIVATION ::create 'activate.cmd' -> 'CALL' -> from 'OOBE.cmd' for 'WIN7' or 'SetupComplete.cmd' for 'VISTA' (echo @echo off & echo. & echo :ACTIVATE & echo ::apply serial:: & echo cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk %PIDKEY% ^>^nul & echo ::apply certificate ^& 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc, if available:: echo IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%.xrm-ms" for /f "tokens=*" %%%%A in ^('DIR /B "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%*.xrm-ms"'^) DO ^( echo cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ilc "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%%%%A" ^>^nul^) & echo IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini" ^>^nul echo IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\" DEL /S /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\*.*" ^>^nul ^&^& RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates" ^>^nul) >"%windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd" IF /I NOT "%WINVER%"=="VISTA" GOTO :OOBE ::'VISTA only' check 'SetupComplete.cmd' exists -> 'NO' rename|edit 'activate.cmd' -> 'YES' -> edit existing 'SetupComplete.cmd' IF NOT EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd (move /Y %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd %windir%\Setup\scripts\no4.txt >nul (echo RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts" ^>^nul & echo DEL /F /Q %%0%% ^>^nul) >%windir%\Setup\scripts\no3.txt copy /b %windir%\Setup\scripts\no4.txt+%windir%\Setup\scripts\no3.txt %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd >nul & del /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\no4.txt >nul %windir%\Setup\scripts\no3.txt >nul ) ELSE (Type %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd | findstr /I /V /C:"@echo off" >%windir%\Setup\scripts\no2.txt && del /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd >nul (echo @echo off & echo. & echo IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd CALL %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd ^>^nul ^&^& DEL /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd ^>^nul) >%windir%\Setup\scripts\no1.txt copy /b %windir%\Setup\scripts\no1.txt+%windir%\Setup\scripts\no2.txt %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd >nul & del /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\no1.txt >nul %windir%\Setup\scripts\no2.txt >nul) GOTO :BRANDING :WIN810 %windir%\Setup\scripts\Rw.exe /Min /NoLogo /command="ACPI Dump MSDM";"RwExit" /logfile=%windir%\Setup\scripts\msdm.log for /f "Skip=1 tokens=2 delims= " %%A in ('find "-" %windir%\Setup\scripts\msdm.log') do %INL% set DM=%%A cscript //B %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk %DM% >nul cscript //B %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\msdm.log" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\msdm.log" >nul GOTO :BRANDING :OOBE ::check • apply created 'activate.cmd' -> from this 'OOBE.cmd' IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\ && CALL "activate.cmd" >nul IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd DEL /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd >nul :BRANDING ::check • set 'MAN=?' -> if exist 'Force_Theme_[readme].txt' || edit brand '.reg file' -> if installing 'Starter' Edition IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Rw.exe" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Rw.exe" >nul cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\ && for /r %%G in (.) DO IF EXIST %%G\Force_Theme_[readme].txt DEL /F /Q %%G\Force_Theme_[readme].txt >nul &&set MAN=%%~nG IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Force_Theme_[readme].txt" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Force_Theme_[readme].txt" >nul IF /I NOT "%EDITION%"=="STARTER" GOTO :CONTINUE IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%MAN%.reg" (cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\ >nul & Type %MAN%.reg | findstr /I /V "InstallTheme" >STARTER.reg && MOVE /Y "STARTER.reg" "%MAN%.reg" >nul) :CONTINUE ::finalize branding|theme IF NOT EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%MAN%.reg" goto :TRANSFERS start /w regedit /s "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%MAN%.reg" && DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%MAN%.reg" >nul for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS" /v SystemProductName') DO %INL% set SYSPDT=%%B IF NOT DEFINED SYSPDT (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID5 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID5%" (goto :TRANSFERS) reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation" /f /v "Model" /t REG_SZ /d "%SYSPDT%" >nul :TRANSFERS ::check • screen resolution -> movements|actions %windir%\Setup\scripts\MultiMonitorTool.exe /HideInactiveMonitors 1 /stext %windir%\Setup\scripts\monitor.txt for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=,: " %%i in ('type %windir%\Setup\scripts\monitor.txt ^| find /i "Right-Bottom"') do %INL% set RESLN=%%iX%%j IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\MultiMonitorTool.exe" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\MultiMonitorTool.exe" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\monitor.txt" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\monitor.txt" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%RESLN%.jpg" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%RESLN%.jpg" "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\%RESLN%.jpg" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\%RESLN%.jpg" "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" REN "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.bak" >nul && DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\*.jpg" >nul & REN "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.bak" "BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" REN "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" "WALLPAPER.bak" >nul && DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.jpg" >nul & REN "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.bak" "WALLPAPER.jpg" >nul :TRANSFER1 ::check • 'Vista' -> movements|actions IF /I NOT "%WINVER%"=="VISTA" goto :TRANSFER2 IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\backgrounds" cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\ && RD /S /Q "backgrounds" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" REN %windir%\Web\Wallpaper\img24.jpg img24.bak && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" "%windir%\Web\Wallpaper\img24.jpg" >nul :TRANSFER2 ::check • 'Win8.x and Win 10' -> movements|actions IF /I "%WINVER%"=="VISTA" GOTO :TRANSFER3 IF /I "%WINVER%"=="7" GOTO :TRANSFER3 IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\USER.bmp" MD "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\USER.bmp" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" REN "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp" "user.bmp.bak" >nul && COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp" >nul && COPY /Y "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp.bak" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\original.bmp" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" REN "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.png" "user.png.bak" >nul && COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.png" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" REN "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user-40.png" "user-40.png.bak" >nul && COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user-40.png" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" REN "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user-200.png" "user-200.png.bak" >nul && COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user-200.png" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\OOBE.xml" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\OOBE.xml" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.theme" TAKEOWN /F "%windir%\Resources\Themes\*.theme" >nul & ICACLS "%windir%\Resources\Themes\*.theme" /reset /T /Q >nul & ICACLS "%windir%\Resources\Themes\*.theme" /grant:r "%windir%\Resources\Themes\*.theme:(OI)(CI)F" 2>nul & REN "%windir%\Resources\Themes\aero.theme" theme3.theme >nul & MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.theme" "%windir%\Resources\Themes\aero.theme" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.jpg" TAKEOWN /F "%windir%\Web\Screen\*.jpg" >nul & ICACLS "%windir%\Web\Screen\*.jpg" /reset /T /Q >nul & IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" MD "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.jpg" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen\original.jpg" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen\LockScreen.jpg" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.png" TAKEOWN /F "%windir%\Web\Screen\*.png" >nul & ICACLS "%windir%\Web\Screen\*.png" /reset /T /Q >nul & IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" MD "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.png" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen\original.png" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen\LockScreen.jpg" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.png" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" MD "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Desktop" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Desktop\Desktop.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\" MOVE /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$" "%windir%\$%MAN%$" >nul ::Enables f8 key for Win 8.x and Win 10 in desktops and laptops | To disable this feature for tablets put :: in front of the line below bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy >nul :TRANSFER3 ::check • 'Windows OS' -> movements|actions IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\USER.bmp" MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\USER.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.theme" MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.theme" "%windir%\Resources\Themes\$OEM$.theme" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.*" MD "%windir%\system32\oobe\info" 2>nul & for /f "delims==" %%F IN ('dir "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.*" /s /b') DO MOVE /Y "%%F" "%windir%\system32\oobe\info\" 2>nul cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\ IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\" DEL /S /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\*.*" >nul && RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's" >nul IF /I "%WINVER%"=="VISTA" GOTO :CLOSE IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\" DEL /S /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\*.*" >nul && RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini" >nul ::=============================================================================================================== ::LOADER INSTALL :Choice2 set file=%temp%\messagebox.vbs echo set args=WScript.Arguments >%file% echo wscript.quit MsgBox(Replace(Replace(args.item(1),"{cr}",vbNewLine,1,-1,1),"{qt}",Chr(34),1,-1,1),args.item(2),args.item(0)) >>%file% %file% "BootTask" "Install Windows Loader ?" 4 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 6 del /s /q %file% >nul && call :LoaderInstall IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 7 del /s /q %file% >nul && call :Choice3 :LoaderInstall cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo WINDOWS LOADER by Daz echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo: %~dp0"Windows Loader.exe" /silent ::=============================================================================================================== ::NET INSTALL :Choice3 set file=%temp%\messagebox.vbs echo set args=WScript.Arguments >%file% echo wscript.quit MsgBox(Replace(Replace(args.item(1),"{cr}",vbNewLine,1,-1,1),"{qt}",Chr(34),1,-1,1),args.item(2),args.item(0)) >>%file% %file% "BootTask" "Install .Net Framework ?" 4 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 6 del /s /q %file% >nul && call :NetInstall IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 7 del /s /q %file% >nul && call :Choice4 :NetInstall cls echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo .NET INSTALL echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo: "%~dp0net4install.exe" /silent ::=============================================================================================================== :Choice4 set file=%temp%\messagebox.vbs echo set args=WScript.Arguments >%file% echo wscript.quit MsgBox(Replace(Replace(args.item(1),"{cr}",vbNewLine,1,-1,1),"{qt}",Chr(34),1,-1,1),args.item(2),args.item(0)) >>%file% %file% "BootTask" "Reboot (mandatory for Loader) ?" 4 IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 6 del /s /q %file% >nul && call :Reboot IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 7 del /s /q %file% >nul && call :Exit ::=============================================================================================================== :Reboot ::finished -> remove 'scripts' dir ('RunOnce' Reg entry) -> self delete 'OOBE.cmd' (echo @echo off & echo. & echo IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\" RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts" ^>^nul & echo DEL /F /Q %%0%% ^>^nul) >"%windir%\Cleanup.cmd" reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v !Clean /t REG_SZ /d "%windir%\Cleanup.cmd" /f >nul Timeout /T 8 >nul DEL /F /Q %0% >nul ENDLOCAL shutdown.exe /r /t 0 ::=============================================================================================================== :Exit ::finished -> remove 'scripts' dir ('RunOnce' Reg entry) -> self delete 'OOBE.cmd' (echo @echo off & echo. & echo IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\" RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts" ^>^nul & echo DEL /F /Q %%0%% ^>^nul) >"%windir%\Cleanup.cmd" reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v !Clean /t REG_SZ /d "%windir%\Cleanup.cmd" /f >nul Timeout /T 8 >nul DEL /F /Q %0% >nul ENDLOCAL exit setupcomplete.cmd: Code: @echo off setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION pushd "%~dp0" cd %~dp0 ::=============================================================================================================== Reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx" /v Title /t REG_SZ /d BootTask /f Reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx" /v Flags /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f Reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\0001" /v MyScript /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\boottask.cmd" /f :Exit ENDLOCAL exit Thanks buddy for your kind help on this...
Would assume it's due to the change of setup stage, it should run now in firstlogon stage completely.
@s1ave77 I was thinking about maintaining just one boottask.cmd for all Windows editions but I prefer to have them separately as my aios are for just one Windows version, not two or more. In the meantime we can work on KMS activation (with your solution) for this $oem$ folder (Windows 7), and about edition detection (for Enterprise) there's no need to go over it as I will handle with a written warning for the users.
edited scripting out. See, it is the was something you did bro, sorry. lol We all make mistakes from time to time...part of it.
OK, warnings are nice but still some will screw it. Version and edition checks are not that complicated. Will eat something then show what i mean. Makes it possible to skip OEM Branding and Loader for Enterprise, offer KMS only for Pro and Ent ...
Any case, if they screw it Enterprise edition will not activate anyway when they click "yes" to Daz Loader then KMS activation user option pops up and I state in there about GPT and Enterprise stuff, etc. Take a look about what I'm talking about: Code: %file% "BootTask" "Aplicar OEM Branding? El OEM Branding te da la posibilidad, si estas instalando una maquina de marca (no generica), de poner la pantalla de inicio, el fondo de escritorio y el logotipo en propiedades del sistema acorde a la marca de tu computadora. Solamente aplican las marcas mas emblematicas del mercado: • Acer • Alienware • Compaq • Dell • eMachines • Gateway • HP • IBM • Lenovo • LG • Samsung • Sony • Toshiba • VirtualBox • VMware" 4 %file% "BootTask" "Activar usando Daz Loader? Tips: PRESIONA "Si" si estas instalando en esquema de particionado BIOS/UEFI-MBR y usando cualquiera de las ediciones Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional y Ultimate. Presiona "No" si vas a instalar en esquema UEFI-GPT o estas instalando la edicion Enterprise. PRESIONA "No" si vas a instalar en una maquina de marca (no generica) y vas a usar la key/llave que viene en el sticker o en la BIOS Slic 2.1 para preservar la activacion OEM original/genuina y su respectiva edicion de Windows 7 con la cual la maquina de marca salio de fabrica (Para mas info contactar a Mr.X). PRESIONA "Si" en caso de que no puedas decidir que hacer, con suerte se activa el Windows, ademas de que no pasa nada malo con la instalacion." 4 %file% "BootTask" "Instalar .Net Framework? Toma en cuenta que este instalador requiere unos 10 min. para instalarse en una maquina de media-alta gama. Obviamente en una de baja gama, obsoleta o antigua va a tardar mas. Por favor debes ser paciente." 4 %file% "BootTask" "Reiniciar? (Mandatorio si se usa Daz Loader) Para soporte tecnico contactar a Mr.X email: [email protected] Skype: Mr.X-at-xCloud" 4 See? n00b proof!!! lol Me too, gonna get something to eat, as a matter of fact, snacks and beer (not Corona but Tecate Light) hahaha
No cerberus, nothing delivered in my inbox. I think you should ask a moderator about this situation, no? lol I recall now, Alpha is a mod, hahahaha
I posted a thread under suggestions and feedback so admins and mods could see it....funny I cant pm you but you have to pm me first for myself to be able to reply. Lets give them time to look into it. Alpha isn't feeling good so I don't want to bother him.
Does the VBS pop-up show the full warning correctly? Never tested it with that long terms. If not it needs to be resized.
Yes, the VBS window gets re-sized automatically, the only little problem is with Spanish written accent for instance: ó or special characters like the big dot between Dell • eMachines, they appear as any other random characters. But it's ok no big deal.
Excuse me? Not my bad bro, really. Look, I downloaded your project from this mirror: btw after editing boottask.cmd ($%MAN%$) problem remains...
Mr. X look carefully in VMware where the files should go to narrow down the problem in the script....lets say if problem with background image then look at script to see where it goes in windows path in VMware....find where the break happens then look at the script real good. Seems as if you are not copying and pasting everything correctly. I have not touched the branding part other then moving the $%MAN%$ folder to windir instead of root of drive.