there is a windows 98 bill gates edition and i just found out there are service packs for 98 up to SP2
There are no official name format for Windows 98 images, so it's normal that Vanelle had to change the names of his images a few times until he found a format he was comfortable with.
ah ok ... so all the names I find on the Windows 95/98/ME site are "made up" but on the MSDN site there weren't the original names before they were deleted? thank you
I think there were, but they certainly didn't have OEM images so names had to be changed to include those and some others.
no, there where non usfull names on MSDN because - MSDN (the www version) prefere to release exe files (in the early days) - not all versions (types) where released on MSDN - if released on MSDN -> filename's where recycled (same filename for different release) - in this early days MSDN was not much usfull !!! thats why i had to change the names of his images a few times until i found a comfortable format to deal with a wide range of the isos all SHA1 are pure ISO hashes (not zero padded) eg Win95 remember when the WWW was usfull for a wide renge of user who start to conect to WWW via 25k modem (i need more than 1 day for a iso)
ok so to give an example: "en_win98_b_115_oem_cd_19981124" en = language win98 = version b = what is the difference between "a" and "b" 115_oem = find it from the "setupx.dll" file 19981124 = I can't figure out where the date is "en_win95c_osr2.5_OEM-FullSetup_cd_type09_19971126" en = language win95c_osr2.5 = version OEM-FullSetup = I can't understand where you find it type09 = find it from the "setuppp.inf" file 19971126 = I can't figure out where the date is let me know Thank you
#Win95 (RTM) #Win95_A (SP1) <- AKA osr0 and osr1 1995/1996 #Win95_B (SP1-OSR2.#) <- osr2.0 and osr2.1 1996\1997 #Win95_C (SP1-OSR2.5) <- 1997\1998 #Win98_FE_A <- 1998/05 #Win98_FE_B_(Java-Removal) <- 1998/11 #Win98_FE_SP1 <- 1999/06 #Win98_SE <- 1999 -> the timestamp from the ISO9660 PrimaryVolumeDescriptor (iso header) or the timstamp from the Flopy-Set
1. dump all your ISO's to valid iso size (non zero padded) 2. compare with my SHA1 postings - if different, send me a PM where i can download your iso - i check the iso header for valid / not valid / suspect sorry but if i explain here public 'how to check iso' then i can write a "howto make more better homebrew iso's" -> this only maks it harder for me to check the ISO9660 PrimaryVolumeDescriptor (header) and the Iso structure BTW: there are a lot of old ISO's wich not mastered with CDIMAGE coz microsoft send the master iso -> CD pressing Manufacture it depend on the Manufacture if they need to remake a MASTER image for Pressing (non CDIMAGE), or simply can use microsoft's original-master image
Hello, I found this german W98 SE SHA1: 4f28cdc1866aef043173bf627e437b90e915da82 is this a valid iso? thanks
yes, 4F28CDC1866AEF043173BF627E437B90E915DA82 *[DEU] win98se_115_oem-setup_cd1_19990505_v2_aol-bug.iso is a original release with a Microsoft bug in the win98\ols\aol\aol40de.exe
Hi all! Can anyone help me get a file PRECOPY2.CAB from image 0B3E359C5CAF3F498417E426FA44268AB4745E20 *[ENU] win98se_116_companion_cd1_19990423.iso ? Thanks in advance.
And something is known about image: <fake image, del> It looks like russian win 98 FE with 111 (MSDN?) Is it original?
6b0ca732310fa6503e29cd21bc5f52f9420cf06a *4.10.1998__x86fre_Win98_ru-ru-rtm-MSDN.iso <- the SHA is invalid for win98se_111 valid Hash (with valid AutoCRC): 43463D9E2B18686369B464EEC9E618DAB4745ACF *[RUS] win98se_111_msdn-ship_cd1_19990505.iso (more info after download the iso)
yes, sorry but it is definitiv homebrew - the PRECOPY2.CAB files can't be extracted without errors (by 7zip) - the PRECOPY2.CAB was a verry bad hombrew (edited) based on the (101) PRECOPY2.CAB - original (111) (e.g. MS Shipment CD MSDP-1998-10_INT-75 Russian and other) has sha1 894b44c8dcdb9353fabd9f8a7a52c1e524ae9f07 *PRECOPY2.CAB - the iso TZ bit is probably also wrong (same as 101 version) -> should be the same as the 115 version - and some more errors
Thanks, it seemed suspicious to me too. But was there 111 russian win-98 first edition? I've never met a mention of it...