Very problematic bios Does anyone here know how to perform the BIOS recovery procedure on a Sony? I tried upgrading to one of the modded bioses, and now I'm stuck on a black screen--and none of the hotkeys listed in the BIOS recovery procedure thread produce any activity on the USB floppy. I also tried some of the more obscure ones such as the arrow keys (for some HP laptops) but still cannot find the Sony ones.
How can I know that Is there a way to know the difference AMI BIOS?? or the phoenix BIOS?? I guess from your answer that no way to MOD it thanks for reply....
Yes that will be the same because it came from your original unpack bios. How i did it? There are two ways 1. If you have not yet updated your bios to that version just replace the slic2.0 with 2.1 with hex editor. 2. If you have updated already with that version (unmodded) it will refuse to flash with modded one as it will determine the same version, so I have unpack your bios then removed the one checking the version. all there is the original afuwin and unmodified bat.
You mean it will be Okay and I can recover my BIOS if anything goes wrong? Sorry, but I don't have experience just learning Is there an easy way to go back/recover my BIOS? or a way to verify its compatibility before I update my BIOS? Could you please attach the certificate that you use, because I think I have to match it when I SLIP it in windows7 thanks
Try using magicgate memory stick (fat32 format) then put the bios there using phoenix recovery. hopefully will work.. Try it...