rweverything is already there hi Kukubau, RW report is attached already, its there as it has to be zipped before uploading to mydigitallife because we dont have option of uploading .rw file directly
Yeah, I can fully understand your point Busykid, but I am hoping that someone might have a link for me to get the rom I need. I've emailed Clevo UK for one today, so with some luck I may get a reply with what I need. The reseller that my ex partner bought the laptop from (Littlewoods) are notorious for having little to nothing in the way of support for end users. And I've done a ton of searching numerous forums and getting the names of equivelant rebadged M760S models, in the hope of getting the same bios.
hi! tried to modify an Acer Aspire 7730Z Bios: Phoenix Rev: v.3611 Bios Link: // Method: Dynamic and get his message: Pubkey in MOD_4A08 does NOT match Zertifikate (x1) tried different SLICĀ“s and Certs. Thanks for replay!