Unlock UEFI boot in Sony Vaio VPCF24Q1E/B Aptio Bios Hi, I would like to have the a.m. BIOS unlocked at least with UEFI boot option. Seems there has been no bios update until today, nothing on Sony homepage. Nevertheless, it seems to be an EFI bios but locked due to Sony policy. I have extracted original bios in a file (untouched BIOS.ROM, attached) and could open it with Aptio tool AMIBCP 4.53. Succeeded to enable UEFI on/off setting and flash modified ROM. UEFI boot option is now shown in Bios Utility after startup, but doesn't seem to work (can't select UEFI boot device at all) Is there anything I miss? Or can't UEFI be enabled on this machine? Would really appreciate a pro here having a look and confirm / modify if possible or not. Any help is truely appreciated. Best regards, belierzz Edit: No one here who could have a look?
Thanks for the feedback. I have corrected "Wist" "ron " strings in BIOSCOD1.ROM module with HEX editor