No, after test on the same board, my bios work with "Hewlett" string, the string is not put in DMI area, so you can't see it in DMI table, this is normal, here a hexdump of my bios : oembios.exe find the string, so i can make the feedback myself.
Pulled the 1B Module out of the BIOS you supplied and the string is at the same location While in the edit I made the SLP string had to be placed: The difference in strings (Hewlett-Packard/Hewlett) is irrelevant as both work (tested on my main computer which had previously used Hewlett as the SLP string in the DMI table). I should note that the location where I manually made the modification seems to be empty, but when doing a memory dump from the running system, that location is filled with strings that say "To Be Filled By O.E.M." Also, running AMIMMWIN.exe /SLP on my bios does not show it having an SLP string, while on yours it does. I really don't know how the whole SLP 1.0 Activation scheme works, I found a link on that shows: F000,0000,FFF0,Hewlett E000,0000,FFF0,Hewlett For the HP OEMBIOS.CAT (CRC32=CD4E1902). Does that mean that it expects the string to be found anywhere from the start of the bios for the next FFFF bytes?
SystemString must be fully contained within the range from PhysicalStartAddress to PhysicalEndAddress, the string check is case-insensitive Ex : F000,0000,FFF0,Hewlett System search the string "Hewlett" in the range from f000:0000 to f000:fff0
Thanks allot offon7544. 1019 is working in xp and vista. They are activated. Can you please do the same to 1021.006 bios? There is one with SLIC, but i whant also SLP 1.0. Again thanks. Best regards: The SIN Raven
Sorry, had a busy weekend. Here's what I came up with using WinHex to view the extracted 1B module, as well as to search through System RAM to find the string location. Manual DMI Edit (DMICFG.EXE) - HEWLETT Manufacturer String - 0009:F060 Manual 1B Module Edit - 000F:E380 Forum Downloaded 1B Module Edit- 2C14:6075 So for some reason or another, that SLP string wound up at 2C14:6075 in RAM when the system was up and running. Flashing back to that BIOS instantly gave me a WGA Notifcation and Nag screen that this copy of Windows wasn't activated. I also have absolutely no clue what exactly is populating the RAM with the string "To Be Filled By" at 000F:E840. (The text continues to say To Be Filled By O.E.M)