I should have done more searching before I posted. I found out about this method after I posted. I tried it and it worked. Tested an HP OEM XP and it installed and was activated on my laptop. Thanks.
No, I haven't tried it. I have read the threath about it, but I don't fully understand it. I think it some kind of bios simulator?
Nope. It copies the SLP strings to your DMI in BIOS. It is not a simulator. It does safely what a flash does with substantial risk..
So it add the SLP directly to bios, then that would be much easier. All you have to do is burn HP_AMI_DMI.iso to a cd, startup with the cd. Then choose option 2 "Tattoo ami-award..." and reboot. And the HP SLP is written?
Yep. Or you can fiddle with it manual-like. The cd works for most older boards..DMICFG is on the disk also..
The tattoo disk worked fine. I just have a couple of question left. 1) If you make an oem cd with the HP bios, and do an install with this cd, will it automaticly be activated. 2) The OEMBIOS changer installed the compaq key instead of the hp key, is this OK or do I need to change it to the HP key? Or can you use both compaq and hp keys with the HP slp from the tattoo disk?