how to just add slp manufacturer to AMI with modtool, etc I have a stuborn ASRock intel P4V88 motherboard with ami bios, and tried but failed to change DMI Manufacturer string in MSDOS, but was able to copy the original bios from the EEPROM with a programmer (and successfuly wrote it back after bricking it when trying update from manufacturer, works now, but not SLP). I only want to add SLP OEM MANUFACTURER name to the BIOS (I prefer "EMACHINES"), not slic 2.0 or 2.1. I have experience with Award bios, changing OEM SLP string with hexedit, or DMICFG in MSDOS, and even changed DMI for intel bios and AMI bios under MSDOS, but never tried AMI bios with HEXEDIT. BIOS dump from eprom programmer opens with both modtool and modtool2. Can Modtool just change SLP info without changing (adding) SLIC? Opened with Hex edit, last 11 lines, starting at 000FF50 to end of file shows: 0003FF50 ECD1 1FBF 414D 4942 4F4F 5420 524F 4D00 ....AMIBOOT ROM. 0003FF60 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1D47 0000 0000 ...........G.... 0003FF70 1250 0051 4900 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .P.QI........... 0003FF80 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 0003FF90 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 0003FFA0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 0003FFB0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 0003FFC0 5034 5638 3830 3031 0000 0000 0000 0000 P4V88001........ 0003FFD0 0070 FFFF 0060 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .p...`.......... 0003FFE0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 0003FFF0 EA48 FF00 F030 372F 3232 2F30 3400 FC00 .H...07/22/04... at what address would OEM (SLP DMI) info be located? Thanks!
Somehow I never got an email to tell me I had a reply to this post, only other threads. Sorry for the late THANKYOU. I found out ASRock use a modified (crippled?) version of AMI BIOS, so none of the MSDOS DMI tools will work. I tried all of them, DMICFG, AMIDEDOS, etc. All give a stupid error number then "!it is PNP Function, bnot supported, blah blah blah). I'll try the hexedit method and reprogram the firmware with my Willem 4.1 EEPROM programmer.
ok, not sure if I need to 1) Edit the 3A0F4 address in the bios.rom file. OR 2) Extract the 1B module from original bios.rom file with MMTOOL (uncompressed), edit with HEXEDIT, then import the edited 1B module back in (replace), then save the modded bios.rom file. Thanks, EMFI2R
Incase anyone cares, I'm doing this for my friend who is blind. It's impossible for him to install windows if he has to type in the key and all the other info, when I can just burn him a SLP CDROM that does the OEM Preinstall with all his user info integrated.
Update on how I made my own mod to my friends ASRock P4V88 BIOS (for SLP and SLIC2.1) with BIOS version 1.40 So far it works with XP SP3. I used method 2 from my last post. I extracted the 1B module from the BIOS file (version 1.4 read off the chip with an EPROM programmer) with MMTOOL (uncompressed), used HEXWORKSHOP to edit address 3A0F4, then imported and saved it (which also correctred the checksum in the bootrom). I ran the new bios file through AMITOOL161, SLP 2.1 as ASROCK and EMACHINES SLP text file. Funny thing, original file and downloaded file (same version) from ASRock had the bootrom checksum error with AMITOOL, but the file I edited with MMTOOL was fine. I believe MMTOOL moddified the whole BIOS file so the checksums were corrected. Cool! MGA Notification in the system tray went away, and running "MGADIAG.EXE says "GENUINE" now. Thanks for the help people!