@LostED, I need visual studio 6.0 enterprise version. The links you posted are broken can you please update the download links?
I have compared posted (post #9) 2e846b8c2e6cb245a109d762ecb3984543e766a6 *vs600_Enterprise_VSE600ENU1.iso with my personal copy from official MSDN CD pack (shipped 1998 edition I think). "setup.ini" is different (13-06-1998 vs my 02-07-1998). Parts of "\VC98\INCLUDE\WINNT.H" (date 19-08-1998 vs my 14-05-1998) are different: Posted ISO (2e84...) has missing code and comments at several locations, only "// Comment" there instead of useful things! What's going on here? My ISO has wrong CRC32 (not FFFFFFFF and AutoCRC mark is different), but my WINNT.H looks complete with all code and detailed comments! Does someone have the official shipped MSDN CD pack 1998 edition? I would like to take a look at WinDev's (post #2). I have not compared the other ISOs so far.
can you please upload your CD images and post a link here (or send me a PM with the link) ? in this case i can check your images and send you back smv patches to fixed and or other valid images