Try this: Download the bios file update, it needs to be unzipped with something like WinZip. My file came as 0605.rar. When it is unzipped it creates a folder called 0605 with a file in it 0605.bin that needs to be renamed to P5ND2SLI.BIN. That should get rid of the file size error you receive when attempting to flash the bios. Using a P/S2 keyboard only, hold down the Alt and F2 keys while powering up the PC, with the file P5ND2SLI.BIN on a floppy disk in the floppy drive. Or this: Plug in a P/S2 keyboard... a USB will not do. Completely shut down computer. On a second machine, load the same file as above (P5ND2SLI.BIN) into the root directory of a USB jump drive. Press and hold the Alt and Home keys at the same time, keep holding them down while turning the power onto your machine. With luck, you will get a screen that first searches for a BIOS file on the floppy, then the CD-Rom and then on a USB device. Make note of the file it is searching for, if the name it is searching for is not P5ND2SLI.BIN, remove the USB drive, plug into the second machine and rename the BIOS file to the exact name it is looking for, then plug the USB drive back into the toast machine and repeat the procedure. I have done this with a similar board successfully.