My mistake. In first advances I use Acer Myall.bat and this BAT on WinXP call NV-110.exe what include not moded ROM. In second advances I use PHLASH16.exe on DOS and now is all OK. Perfect work, my Vista Ultimate 64 are activated and genuine
hi guys could you please tell me how smbios data differ to slic data and is the something common between them
tanks for the abit ag8-v bios, i will try it in the weekend and leather i will say you if it works. i have another request for you, i have a notebook packardbell f7-305, but i can't find the bios on the web, i found only a program from packardbell that creates a bootable cd that update my bios, but i can't extract the bios image from it, someone can help me in anyway?? tanks in advance