ok, downloaded it. but, as said earlier I'm new to modding and these files don't look usable to me. There is way to much stuff, including software. We just need your direct bios file. Nothing pre-extraced. And it would be great to have some more information on the BIOS you're using.
Thanks for your reply. I looked at the registry entry for my BIOS info and it reads: _ASUS_ - 6040000 PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.1 Ver 1.00PARTTBL As for that, I don't know where else to look for this information. There's no screen for me to pause on startup showing me info; it only shows the HP logo and setup doesn't tell me anything. I used Everest but it doesn't tell me anything different. I think that .WHP file is the BIOS file you need is it not? Or do you need me to make a backup file and give you that .bak BIOS image?
a .bin file would do the job (as it does usuallay), as far as I've roamed myself through those tutorials. Try to git it, upload it and I'll look after it. and be aware that any changes to your BIOS could do harm, cause malfunction or else. in common words: it's bricked/f**ked up/brushed/trashed/dorked/up in smoke... If this happens, it's not our fault. It's possible to make it work again, but this could be difficult. So it's a good idea to make a backup, to flash back to normal if something has gone wrong. It's not too satisfactioning reading people screaming: "WHOAAA NOOO f**kED UP YOU BRUSHED IT NOOOO"
Don't worry...I won't blame you guys for anything. I'm not sure where I can find it though. Could you help me in this case?
Everest reports DELL slic instead of ASUS on modded Abit an9 32x fatality bios V17 Hi, Modder BiosButcher has modded my Abit An9 32x fatality bios with Asus Slic (Btw: thx!!!), before this I had a modded V16 of this bios (also Asus slic), so I just updated to V17 and Vista was still activated an running. Now I wanted to do a new install but before I wanted to do this I checked Everest and what I saw was Dell as slic id instead of Asus, how is this possible ? Do I need now a Dell cert.? Or how can I check now what slic I have? Thanks in advance, Greetz, Kopernikus
I've double checked the V17 bios i modded for you... it's a ASUS slic. Very strange that everest is saying DELL.
@BiosButcher Hi, Thx for the reply. This is what I see on Everest, I don't quite understand: TabelbeschrijvingSoftware Licensing Description Table Geheugenadres7FFFA336h Tabellengte374 bytes OEM ID DELL OEM Table IDM07 Creator IDASL Greetz, Kopernikus