one of the most idiotic ideas from ms. if there is not enough space dont do an upgrade, why are your stealing it?
Apply Reg Key: Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ReserveManager] "ShippedWithReserves"=dword:00000000 Then do an inplace upgrade to 1903.
It was actually one of the ways to prevent an upgrade, that is a big no no. I had 28GB free on mine 40GB partition and the upgrade failed to run because of an insufficient space. There were no problems before, when I had 50GB partition. I think 42GB partition was minimum, but maybe that had changed now, I will try to upgrade later on to check it out.
if there is not enough space windows should not try to upgrade by itself or it should tell the user to free some space. i think reserving 7gb is waste of ssd space. and most users may not be aware of it and will think that their drive is full. i called it stealing because it is your user space and you can't free it. i hope that there will an option to remove it.
Probably, but not sooner than in 1909, since it will cause issues on devices with a low disc space and of course an uproar from some users. It is just one of those brilliant ideas, that MS gets time to time, like removed Start, cleaning Downloads.
Anyone know if it will be possible to disable this in the ISO so it will be off after a clean install?
Mount the install.wim and load the registry hive, change or add the info and save and unload the registry hive and unmount the install.wim. Example of loading and unloading the registry hive of a mounted wim: Code: reg load HKLM\MDL_Test c:\Mount\windows\system32\config\software reg unload HKLM\MDL_Test Or try to use it by a registry modification during OOBE, by setupcomplete.cmd (@mxman2k managed to do it by his MRP project, still in beta).
don't do an upgrade and compromise the whole system security with unpatched vulnerabilities ? so do you want to repeat the history of WannaCry vulnerability ?
people are seriously crying over 7 f**king gigabytes. what year is this. It's time to buy a 500GB SSD, they are cheaper than ever. I have a lot of complaints about windows 10, but this one is actually a sensible move to make the process go better and faster for average user, which has been one of the biggest complaints you see from users regarding windows 10 imo, that updates take a long time and sometimes even break.