Well... my VM was also activated with the help of a phone call... even with WGA(KB982130 + KB905474) installed. But I met the same.
Working windows updates on windows xp professional without service pack english !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only Installing: 1) wsus 2) WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86 And......... 3)rootsupd Run: wuauclt /detectnow
Un-Official Restore Tool [for x86 Systems] Set of tools to Restore WU Main Site / WU Agent Interface Include ActiveX DLL files, IE8, all necessary Updates, Activation bypass Tools and WGA hosts patch. Move to his own thread https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/un-official-restore-wu-tool-for-x86-systems.84996/
Why would someone use Vista non SP2 though? Especially with WU website, when control panel is working
It would be for testing purposes only. RTM and SP1 don't have a method to get Windows Update working again via the panel, only SP2 does. You could use the website for RTM and SP1, and switch to the control panel in SP2. Also, the windows update website does not work in SP2, it gives 0x8007002.
it working in Volume Converted system with Retail Serial Number, Un- activated. With Hack to Ignore activation Nagging Error. and it pass genuine check and install all 203 Updates
Made it fully automatic * Fully automatic script, just press on "Install WU Bypass". [System will restart twice !] * To start server, Open "Start Server" Batch file on Desktop.
Did you think it can run on a Linux server ? Like i copy the folder of WSUS Offline and made a webserver in a linux server with PHP. Btw, did i need to download the update localy or i just need the catalogue file ?
Did i need to download the Update for Windows & Office localy in the "WSUS" server or it download it from internet directly ??