how come your retail key worked but you get the genuine activation message? maybe your key is blacklisted.
No, it successfully activated online using the Proxy. It is just Windows Update which is not working.
Windows7fan how did you enabled TSL and HTTP And import CRT file maybe i do it wrong ? still not work.
if in case he doesnt reply. you'll need to redirect your machine to the proxy. you have to go to the internet options from control panel then go to connections, then check enable a proxy server for your lan, then go to advanced and only output the proxy address using the machine's ip or localhost (if you are running the proxy) into the secure part with port 8079. click ok then enable tls 1.0 and http 1.1 through proxy connections in the advanced tabs. you'll need to import the crt file by checking place all certificates in the following store then click browse and then check show physical stores then collapse the trusted root certification authorities and then select the trusted computer and click ok. now you can proceed with the rest.
I am looking for beta testers that can test the new version of my script that works on x64. I don't have an x64 XP system, so I can't check. Please DM me if you are interested in being a beta tester.
new version of Server x64 Launcher. [v4.0] it smart one, check if CERT exist / Not exist. and before install, remove old Cert from root. Also check if specific cert installed. Spoiler: v4.0 Code Code: @cls @ECHO OFF >nul 2>&1 fltmc || ( >"%temp%\Elevate.vbs" echo CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^).ShellExecute "%~dpfx0", "%*" , "", "runas", 1 >nul "%temp%\Elevate.vbs" & del /q "%temp%\Elevate.vbs" exit) >nul 2>&1 tskill /a *ProxHTTPSProxy* >nul 2>&1 TASKKILL /IM ProxHTTPSProxy.exe /f cd /d "%~dp0\ProxHTTPSProxyMII_REV3a" if exist CA.crt goto:StartServer :BEGIN >nul 2>&1 rd/s/q Certs >nul 2>&1 start "" /min "ProxHTTPSProxy.exe" >nul 2>&1 ping -n 3 -w 10 >nul 2>&1 tskill /a *ProxHTTPSProxy* >nul 2>&1 TASKKILL /IM ProxHTTPSProxy.exe /f if not exist CA.crt echo.&echo ** Error - Missing CERT file.&pause&goto:eof >nul 2>&1 certutil -delstore Root "ProxHTTPSProxy CA" >nul 2>&1 start "" /min "certutil" -addstore -f "root" CA.crt >nul 2>&1 ping -n 3 -w 10 2>nul certutil -store Root | >nul find /i "ProxHTTPSProxy CA" || ( >nul 2>&1 del /q CA.crt echo. echo ** Error - Fail to install CERT file. pause goto:eof ) > "%temp%\tmp.vbs" echo set WshShell ^= WScript.CreateObject^("WScript.Shell"^) >> "%temp%\tmp.vbs" echo WshShell.SendKeys"Y" >> "%temp%\tmp.vbs" echo WshShell.SendKeys"Y" >nul 2>&1 cscript "%temp%\tmp.vbs" :StartServer 2>nul certutil -store Root | >nul find /i "ProxHTTPSProxy CA" || ( >nul 2>&1 del /q CA.crt goto:BEGIN ) set "HASh=" for /f "tokens=* skip=25" %%g in ('2^>nul certutil -verify CA.crt') do ( if not defined HASh ( echo '%%g' | >nul find /i "ProxHTTPSProxy" || ( echo '%%g' | >nul find /i "Serial" || ( set "HASh=%%g" ) ) ) ) if not defined hash ( >nul 2>&1 del /q CA.crt goto:BEGIN ) 2>nul certutil -Store Root | >nul find /i "%HASH%" || ( echo. echo Found Hash : '%HASH%' echo. echo ** Error - Diffrent hash exist in Root Store echo ** Error - Generate new Certificate file >nul 2>&1 del /q CA.crt goto:BEGIN ) echo. echo Found Hash : '%HASH%' echo. echo Start Server echo. >nul 2>&1 ping -n 4 -w 10 start "" /min "ProxHTTPSProxy.exe"
That is because I believe Windows 2000 RTM, SP1, and SP2 only worked with Windows Update v4, which was shut down back in July 2011.
you are correct. two of those links (for the service pack and the old update website) are obviously defunct and just give you an error page from
@Dark Monkey I'm merging your automatic pack with nginx solution (which supports IE6/7/8), and also editing some part of your command scripts and instruction, aiming to cover a wider range of Windows. Also I've added some Multi-Language support. Could you give me a permission? I tend to upload my pack after some tests.